A message from Tami-Jo

Open Classrooms/ Family Picnic Afternoon

We had an amazing afternoon yesterday with families visiting our classrooms and then staying on to picnic as a family. It was glorious to see the children playing together and introducing their families to both their teachers and their friends. When I was walking through rooms, the enthusiasm from the students was high and I had joy in my heart. Opening our doors to the community was wonderful and we look forward to doing more of it. Now we know how popular food trucks can be, we will ensure that we have more next time.


School Council Election

We have just finished our ballot for the School Council. Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted. We really value your time, effort and input. We would like to welcome to our school council:

Parent members:

Yana Jayasinghe

Shipra Sharma

Rashmi Ranatunga

Rahul Chaudhary

Student Representatives: 

Ibrahim Mohamed & Felicia Lee

Staff member: Malinda Vaughan


I look forward to working with all of you for the benefit our students and community. 



We receive complaints daily about our traffic issues. Most of them unfortunately are about parent behaviour which is disappointing. 

Again, I want to remind people about:

  • parking appropriately, not across driveways
  • dropping off in our drop off zones- do not park and get out of your car and walk to the classrooms
  • driving around the block instead of doing u-turns which hold up traffic on both sides of the road
  • looking carefully around you to ensure that all children are safe
  • keeping to the speed limit
  • not double parking as it makes it difficult to see children walking out from behind cars
  • making sure that you are not asking your children to walk out into traffic to get into your car on the road- please pull up on the side of the road

It is the responsibility of all of us to make sure all of our community is safe. Selfish behaviour causes accidents. I am continuing to meet with the Wyndham Council about strategies to improve our traffic situation. 



Next week we are hosting a visit from Viv Nguyen, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission, who is coming to see our Community Hub in action. Morwenna, our Community Liaison Officer will be taking the tour and sharing about our community groups and events.



We are desperately looking for volunteers to come and hear our children read. This is an opportunity for us to work together as a community to benefit all of ou                               r students. We don’t have any expectations about a time commitment; we will be grateful for any time you can offer the children. All you need to be able to do is listen to children read and encourage them. Please fill in the following link if you are able to donate some of your time.




Thank you for all of your support this term. We are only in Week 6 but so much has happened and been achieved already. I was able to watch our year 7 students today congratulate Ibrahim and Felicia on being voted as the school council representatives and was so proud of the way they conducted themselves. There was no ego, the cohort of students were proud of the achievements of their classmates and congratulated them on their efforts. They displayed such mature, considerate and kind behaviour. It was truly awesome. We are developing some amazing leaders here at DCC. When walking through the school, the classes are settled in their classrooms and are invested in their learning. Well done to our students and teachers for their efforts to date. 


Enjoy the long weekend everyone. I hope you do something to fill your buckets and bring you joy!