Return to school Term 4

Camp Program update
In the current COVID climate we have been advised by the Department of Education (DET) that we are unable to attend school camps.
We have been communicating with the school camps (both Senior school and Middle school) regarding cancellations and future bookings for 2021.
- At this stage we are hoping to provide only the Year 6 students with the opportunity to attend Camp Rumbug at the end of Term 4 (301120 – 021220).
- This will be dependent on advice from the Chief Health Officer aligned with DET guidelines.
- The decision to possibly provide a camp for our Year 6 students has been made based on providing a ‘celebratory event’ to farewell them at the end of an ‘interesting’ year.
All other camps for Middle school students and our Year 5 students have been re-booked for 2021.
We are endeavouring to schedule both the Senior and Middle school camps for Term 2 rather than the end of the year. This will ensure an opportunity for students to experience the benefits of camps earlier in the year and strengthen the connections with their peers.
Term 4 - Week 1 Onsite Applications
Onsite attendance applications for Term 4 - Week 1 will open on Tuesday, 29 September and close Thursday, 1 October 2020 (second week of the school holidays).
House System - Drop off & Pick Up
From Monday, 12 October when our Foundation - Year 2 student return to onsite learning, we will be continuing to use our House Drop off & Pick up system.
Please note that the drop off & pick up order will be swapped to ensure fairness to all.
- Wiiny & Baany - Arrival: 8:45 - 9:00 am Departure: 3:15-3:30 pm.
- Biik & Munmut - Arrival: 9:00 9:15 am Departure: 3:30 - 3:45 pm.
A Compass post with more detailed information regarding this will be shared in the near future.
Parents at the Gate
To ensure community safety, we will continue to ask that parents/carers picking up students to not gather at the gate. Parents are to socially distance whilst waiting at the gate (1.5m).
Cancelled Events
Due to continued restrictions, the following events are official cancelled:
- F - 2 swimming programs (off site)
- 3 - 6 water safety program (off site)
- Year 3 & 4 Camp Toolangi
- Year 5 Camp Rumbug
Office personnel will be in touch early Term 4 regarding payments received so far and the next of the process.