Principal News

Congratulations comes in all shapes and sizes:
- Seesaw feedback from staff
- Congratulatory photos
- Phone messages
- Positive Acknowledgements on Compass
- High fives with on site students
- iNewsletter 'shout outs'
- Whole school assemblies lead by students
- P ribbons
- Video messages
- Certificates (students and families)
- Book marks
- Personal deliveries of care packages and technology
- Special prizes relating to Physical Education (footballs) and Positive Behaviour (crayons)
- Congratulatory bears
But the most powerful positive reinforcement is the words and gestures we give everyday. The most special thanks is often one that comes by surprise and is genuinely expressed. We thank all parents for being at the forefront of reinforcing a positive message to your children, on our behalf, that their effort and achievement is highly recognised. Thank you.
We are on the final stretch of our Ironman/woman competition called 'Remote Learning'. I hope you had a chance to view the Principal video at
I used the Ironman competition as a way to describe Remote Learning. We have combated the swim (Remote Learning #1), we have survived a hard slog with the run (Remote Learning #2) and we have the final run to go (Term 4). Like such a grueling event, we have kept mentally strong, provided our bodies with the right fuel and surrounded ourselves with a great support crew.
So as we start the Term 3 break and prepare for the return in Term 4, we will meet you at the finish line where we will be calling out your names and celebrate all you have achieved.
Go team!
Monique Corcoran and Sally Herbert
The Department of Education has outlined three key priorities as we return to school.
- Mental health and wellbeing: Our highest priority will be the wellbeing, particularly the mental health, of every student and member of staff. This means effectively mobilising all available resources to support our most vulnerable students and enabling staff to access the relevant support services.
- Learning: Some of our students have thrived in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some have fallen behind, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. Our priority will be supporting both those who need it to catch up and those who have progressed to continue to extend their learning.
- Transitions: We will make every effort to ensure successful transitions for children moving from kindergarten into Prep, the Grade 6s moving into Year 7, and the Year 12s moving into employment or further education and training.
School Council continues to meet remotely to ensure a smooth running school, irrelevant of the circumstances. Some notable areas discussed on Wednesday 9th September include:
- The removal of the old Multi Purpose Room, in preparation for the commencement of the Capital works project will occur in the next 4 weeks. When a date is finalised, the community will be informed.
- Seven Policies were ratified including of note the update of the Child Safety, Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations (incl. Mandatory Reporting) and Student Engagement and Wellbeing. All Policies are found on the school website under the Governance tab.
- The Mathematics Curriculum Day on Friday 21st August was a huge success reinvigorating the staff, students and families in their maths approach at home.
- CSPS continues to be identified as a BARR (Bushfire At Risk Register) school. Works ensuring we are bushfire ready will occur in Term 4.
- The Finance Sub Committee is busy behind the scenes to ascertain how we can financially assist families moving from 2020 to 2021. More information to follow.
- CSPS has applied for several grants relating to minor building works, shade sails, solar panelling, kitchen garden and sporting schools. We eagerly await a positive response. Fingers crossed.
Curriculum Days
On Wednesday 9th September, School Council endorsed the following in relation to upcoming Curriculum Days:
- Monday 5th October cancelled due to multiple extenuating circumstances
- Monday 2nd November (Melbourne Cup weekend) be a Curriculum Day – focus on Mathematics and Assessment, Data and Reporting (2020 – 2021)
- Monday 7th December continue as a Curriculum Day (previously endorsed) – focus on school culture and high performance (external consultant)
We thank the school community for their ongoing support with the movement of the Term 2 to Term 3 Curriculum Day and the upcoming TWO Curriculum Days in Term 4.
Note: Schools are required to provide four official Curriculum Days in a calendar year. CSPS has only officially had two; 280120 and 210820. Any additional Pupil Free Days due to COVID are separate from this agreement.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to discuss with a member of School Council or contact me.
In Term 2, Brad Battin (Gembrook MP) ran a competition to recognise the hard work our teachers and teaching staff were doing through remote learning. The MP office received over 500 nominations and wanted to ensure each nominated teacher received a certificate with a copy of their nominations.
Brad was hoping to safely attend each school to personally hand the certificates to each teacher, but with the move to Stage 4 restrictions and schools returning to remote learning, he has now decided it would be best to not wait any longer and send through each certificate electronically.
The nine worthy recipients were:
- Kendra Anderson
- Clare Bennett
- Ruth Clements
- Jessica Cook
- Karen Halket
- Colette Joannidis
- Emma Slocombe
- Delvina Waiti
- Katelyn Watkins
It is lovely to have a moment of recognition for these very worthy 9 recipients, with an additional wholehearted thank you of appreciation to all CSPS staff for their amazing work.
Child Safe
Standard 6: Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse
Tips on how to stay safe online during the COVID-19 pandemic
How to report illegal and harmful content.
The Cyber Report team investigates complaints from Australian residents and law enforcement agencies about offensive and illegal online content.
We prioritise investigations into online child sexual abuse material and work with law enforcement and the global network INHOPE to remove this content wherever it is hosted.
If you encounter child sexual abuse material online, please report it to us by following the steps below.
Reports can be made anonymously. Your reports make a difference. Every image removed helps prevent the re-victimisation of the children involved.
How to make a report
To make a report you need to tell us:
1. Why is the content offensive or illegal? Consult the website for more information about what can and cannot be investigated.
2. Are you an Australian resident?
You must be an Australian resident or law enforcement agency.
3. Show us where to access the content.
Provide the location of the content, for example, a web address/URL.
4. Make a report to eSafety.
Once you have collected relevant evidence and information, you can start your report.
Please contact the
for further information about making a report including privacy and personal information.
I would like to formally welcome Jaida Birthisel to our CSPS family. Jaida is the newest addition to the Birthisel clan (Sarah is a valued Education Support Staff member at CSPS).