From the Director of Studies 

Mr Riccardo Bombardiere

HSC Graduation and Awards

The 2020 HSC Cohort has been characterized by its resilience in the face of adversity, by the goodwill the boys have shown throughout the year and their consideration for each other. Today, in a Graduation Assembly that was live-streamed, each of the 2020 HSC Cohort received their Graduand Portfolios. While we congratulate all Year 12 on their effort in each course, the following boys are particularly commended on being placed first, second or third in their respective courses:


HSC Exams COVID Safety Guidelines – Students and Families

Earlier in the week, the College provided our HSC students and families HSC Exam COVID Safety Guidelines. These guidelines are based on advice from NESA in conjunction with NSW Health and Catholic Schools NSW.


HSC students attend the College only for Exams

While voluntary holiday study sessions will go ahead, students have been advised that they will only attend school for examinations from the beginning of next term (Monday 12 October). Throughout the period of the exams, our HSC students will interact digitally with their teachers.


All HSC Exams in the Brother Luke Hall

All HSC Examinations will take place in the Brother Luke Hall and the Hall will be isolated from the College community while the exams take place. There will also be a specific pathway from the carpark and bus bay that only HSC students will use to access the Hall. Students will be socially distanced during all examinations. During larger examinations, the Hall will be divided into two sections. The Hall will also be cleaned after each exam. HSC students will not be able to study in the Marian centre or go anywhere else in the College during this time. Year 12 Boarding students will study in the Boarding House during this time and will only come over to the day school during meal breaks and for minimal recreation.  


Attending Exams

Students will arrive 25 minutes prior to exams and report for screening and sign-on. Students are asked not to attend if they are unwell or have been directed to self-isolate under direction of NSW Health. If students display flu-like symptoms before or during exams, the College Nurse will conduct follow-up screening and they will be sent home if there are concerns. Students with a clinical history/known illness that may appear like COVID-19 symptoms should be planning now and speaking to their doctor/GP. The GP can provide written assurance – e.g. symptom the student presents on a normal basis. Students will have access to fast tracked COVID-19 testing.


Minimising the risk of transmission

Students have been instructed to:

  • Wash their hands or use hand sanitiser prior to commencing the exam. All students will be expected to use the hand sanitising stations as they go into examinations.
  • Maintain good personal hygiene practices during the exam including covering your cough or sneeze through coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, disposing of tissues at the end of the exam.
  • Avoid shaking hands or hugging other students on exam days.
  • Wear a mask during exams if they wish.
  • Use hygiene supplies will be available at all exam venues.
  • Sanitiser.
  • Wipes.
  • Wipe down their table before they begin their exam if they choose to.
  • Not mingle in groups prior to or after the exam.

Alternative Examination Locations 

Because the Hall will be isolated from the College, this will minimise the need for an alternative location. However, the Exam Centre at the College will be used as an alternative location in the event that the examination is unable to proceed in the Hall. This is a backup only and students should attend the planned location unless advised by the College.  


Confirmed cases of COVID-19 

If during the examination period, the College is advised by NSW Health that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 which will impact the College, arrangements are in place to minimise disruption where possible. Students are advised to attend the examination unless they are contacted by the College. 



Students who do not attend an exam due to having symptoms, or who are turned away as a result of screening will be eligible for an illness/misadventure claim. The College will assist you through this process where required.  


Stage 6 Course Selection for 2021

Year 10 students and families are to be commended for their engagement during the Stage 6 Course Selection process. As a result of the process, 37 out of the 40 courses offered will be studied next year. The following indicates the courses and lines offered in 2021.


Study Skills 

… from Dr. Prue Psalter



Working with other students can be motivating and useful as you can help each other understand and you can also benefit from learning more about other points of view. Remember two heads can be better than one!