Top STEM Highlights of 2020

3D Printing - The fleet of 3D printers at BEPS was expanded early in the year with the delivery of an additional 5 FlashForge Adventurer 3 printers. These were quickly put to use by the Year 2 students who had designed characters based on their writing. The printers have also been used by the Year 1 students to create Ooshies and the Year 6’s as part of their inquiry. The 3D printing has also been used as part of the languages program during Term 4.

Bottle Rocket - During Term 3’s remote learning, students from Foundation to Year 6 were given the challenge to make and launch a rocket. Some students chose to make their rocket from Berocca tubes and used a vinegar and bicarb soda reaction to launch it. Some other students used soft drink bottles to make their rocket and launched it with water and compressed air. Regardless of the choice of materials and 'fuel' the results were amazing!

Coding - Term 2 saw students across the school learning about communication and coding. Students in the upper school had the opportunity to use to learn different skills and create their own games while the junior school focused on coding our Sphero to do some robot bowling. 

Science Experiments - It was awesome to see all the families that got involved with STEM at home this year. While away from school I was constantly sent videos via Seesaw and Google Classroom of families working together to complete experiments. I saw families making water cycles in a bowl, learning about sound together and making various instruments to measure and predict Melbourne’s ever-changing weather. Once we all returned to school, the students got right back into experimenting with forces and simple machines such as pulleys, levers and ramps.

Mick H