Year 5 & 6 - 2020

2020 has been a massive roller coaster!

Although this year has been something we have never experienced before, we have learnt so much! We all worked independently at home during Remote Learning and had a choice in what we did. There are some things we missed while at home, such as, socialising with friends and working in small groups.

Remote Learning 

During Remote Learning the Year 5&6 students used Zoom to learn and communicate with others. If a student had questions or comments they would either ask the teacher via Zoom or comment on Google Classroom. Although it seemed a bit hard at first, we got used to it and found out it was pretty easy. It was helpful to get feedback from the teachers about our work, both in written form and via a voice message.

Back at School  

Remote learning had taken over most of the school year, so it was very exciting for us to return back onsite at BEPS. Coming back to school made lots of people happy as they were able to catch up with their friends in person instead of through a screen. This has improved students' mental health and also our communication skills. Since we couldn't do face to face incursions, we had to do lots of online activities.


During Remote Learning, we had lots of online incursions. One of them was the Parliament House incursion via Zoom in Term 2. We learnt a lot about Parliament House and we enjoyed it very much, we learnt loads of new information. 


We also did a Metro Railway incursion we learnt about keeping safe on railways. We were very keen to learn about being safe around public transport.


Another incursion was an exciting incursion on Webex where the Year 5's and 6's learnt a few tricks on Tinker-cad (a 3D printing program). We learnt how to engrave holes in solid shapes, place shapes on top of each other permanently and many more amazing things. This taught us many things including, engineering shapes, using our imagination and creativity.