Visual Arts

This term Foundation have been working to create a multi layered artwork for their ‘I am an Engineer’ project in Art. They created a large scale crayon drawing of their own robot design, followed by an acrylic sponge paining of the Moon. These layers were then conjoined with an ‘outer space’ background, made with water colour paints. Students focused on using their paint brush with technique and drawing in large format, including using a variety of shapes.

This term Year 1 & 2 have been working to create a multi layered artwork for their ‘I am an Engineer’ project in Art. Students learnt to sketch with charcoal and drafted a creature in detail. Following this step, students designed a variety of cogs in shapes and sizes to transform their animal into a mechanical creature. The cogs were coloured in metallic shades and attached to spinning split pins, so the cogs could move on their artworks. The Year 1 & 2 students were really proud of their creations and loved playing with them upon completion.

Year 3 & 4 connected to ‘I am an engineer’ in Term 4, with students exploring construction in a 3D sculpture project. The project was inspired by the works of the American modernist artist and designer, Alexander Girard. They experimented with balance and form in their individual and unique designs. The students combined their own selection of 3D shapes and connected them with a layer of mod rock, which student learnt was the same materials as a plaster cast when you break your arm! They then learnt to paint a gradient across their sculptures surface in a colour combination of their choice. The Year 3&4 students went crazy for coloured feathers and ribbons to finish off their sculptures. I would have loved to keep them at school on display! I hope you enjoy them in your homes.

Year 5 & 6 connected to ‘I am an engineer’, with students exploring construction in a 3D sculpture project. Students planned their sculptures in a 2D draft, referring to their own requirements and challenges. They experimented with balance and form in their individual and unique designs. Students were encouraged to use ‘reduction’ techniques, by carving away areas of their sculptural blocks before sealing them with mod rock. They chose their own colour combinations, details and finishing touches to create a wonderful collection of characters, many of which I would like to keep! I hope you enjoy having them on display in your homes. 

This year the Art Captains, Ellie and Linda, have been made a wonderful contribution to the Visual Arts program. The girls have shown a great deal of responsibility when preparing materials and organising artworks, which all adds to the smooth running of a very busy classroom. Ellie and Linda have such a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude and have been a pleasure to work with. I believe that they have built skills this year that will assist them with future schooling and employment opportunities.

Thanks Ellie and Linda, I wish you all the very best!

Ellie M