Assistant Principal's page

Although 2020 has thrown us a number of unexpected challenges, the way our community and our students have risen to meet these challenges has been nothing short of amazing. I feel grateful for being able to witness the success and growth from our staff and students over the course of the year, which has provided us all with different ways to learn and communicate. I hope you enjoy reflecting on the work of our outstanding students as shown throughout this Yearbook.



I would like to thank all the staff and student for their effort in putting together such a comprehensive showcase of student learning at our school and I hope families can look back on many fond memories for years to come. We often reflect on our school values of responsibility, respect, resilience, honesty and confidence which can be seen throughout these pages and across all areas of learning.



For me this has been a year of new opportunities: taking part in whole class Zoom lessons, seeing the creativity and confidence of our students through their posts on SeeSaw and Google Classroom, the outstanding results achieved by many of our students in ICAS assessments, the online clubs such as DJ Grundy and live Art demonstrations just to name a few. I am incredibly proud of all the students and teachers that make Burwood East such a special place to be.



To the students and families leaving Burwood East Primary School, I wish you all the best and hope you take many fond memories with you in the next stage of your learning journey.


Andrew Den Elzen