Physical Education 

On-site Learning 

With students beginning and returning to onsite learning through the year, there was laughter and smiles that filled the sporting grounds. The laughter and smiles was present through rebuilding friendships and synergising with others during many different activities from minor games, teamwork challenges, and team-based sports. 

Remote Learning 

Remote learning provided students with a unique experience of Physical Education. The junior students focused on fundamental movement skills, using household items to create sporting equipment. While our senior school participated in sporting challenges, virtually collaborating with other students, and sporting round robins between classes and other local schools.  

Extra-Curriculum Sport 

During the year, students have spent the year participating in extra curriculum sporting events, both face to face and remotely. 


In Term 1, the Year 3-6 students took part in the BEPS House Athletics Carnival. Students competed within their house colours, being award points for their place in their track and field events.  The SDSSA Swimming Carnival was another event able to run, with 10 of our Year 5 and 6 students representing BEPS. 


When remote learning occurred, our extra curriculum sporting events went virtual. Our students had the opportunity to participate in Cross Country, SDSSA Winter and Summer Sports Round Robins, SSV Track and Field, and SSV challenges. 


Beth C