2M - Inquiry Projects

Throughout Term 4, Year 2 students worked on developing their engineering skills through a number of challenges. The goal was to save a person from an imaginary deserted island. The students had a great time working through challenges that included making a hut, building a bridge, sending a message in a bottle, building a catapult and making a raft. Students from 2M reflected on which activity they enjoyed most. 



My favourite engineering project was……..

Yumi - The hut, because we didn’t care if we lost. We worked together and showed teamwork.

Eshaal - The raft because it could hold lots of blocks and it was strong.

Victoria - The hut, because we used different materials like popsicle sticks and tape and cardboard.

Chloe -  Making the hut because we worked together and we built a strong hut.


Phoenix - The hut because it was really fun and challenging and we worked really well with each other.

Xavier - The hut because we didn’t focus on the look, we just focused on how strong it was.

Lucas - The raft because it was the one we worked best as a team on.

Eden - The hut because my team thought it didn’t have to look nice, but it had to be strong.


Nandan - The raft because it had furniture and our groups looked like a hut. 

Justus - The hut because our hut did not move in the wind.

Abbey - The hut because it was fun and cool to make!

Sarah - The hut because we got to decorate the house and we worked more like a team.

Farhan - The raft, because you can make a raft that can carry things in the water.

Saanjh - The message in a bottle because it was super fun and it was really cool.

Theo - The catapult because I learned about the force you need for it to shoot.

Edwin - The catapult because it could shoot so far and it could shoot fake pirates.


Ana - The hut because it was our first experience. 

Emily - The raft because we made a person and the little details.

Linkai - The hut because it was funny and fun to play with.

Ethan - My favourite engineering design was the message in a bottle, because the bottle sank and water got in, but the message didn’t get wet because we put the message in the lid at the top.