Principal's Page

Dear Burwood East Primary School Community


What a unique school year!


This school year started with the usual enthusiasm and excitement. Our students ready for another year of discovery and a dedicated and professional staff ready for the challenges ahead, to inspire excellence in all areas among our community of learners.

I do not think anyone would have foreseen the challenges that we were about to face. The unfolding COVID-19 outbreak at the beginning of the year, which lead to a global pandemic would have an effect which would be felt by the whole world. 


At Burwood East Primary School we embraced the unknown and focussed on the opportunities that presented during this time. The positive actions, that I saw from our students, their resilience, their commitment and dedicated attitude to learning online, whilst maintaining connections with their teachers and building stronger friendships but most all, their willingness to adapt and explore other ways of learning was phenomenal.


As we emerge from this experience, I am confident that BEPS will capture a number of the key themes of this time to enhance our school moving forward.


1. Better connections with parents 

2. Greater flexibility of learning 

3. Expanding online learning and digital technology 

4. Increasing the effectiveness of how our school operates on a daily basis


I am very proud of all our achievements the hard work, resilience and determination shown by all of BEPS community. We look forward to continuing to build our learning excellence in 2021.


We would like to wish all in our community a safe and happy holiday period with continued good health for the New Year.


