
BEPS offers Mandarin as a second language that is taught through an understanding and celebration of cultural diversity. Core Learning includes communicating, oral interaction, reading, responding and writing.


In learning Mandarin, students aim to develop knowledge and come to understand social, historical and familial relationships. 


A practical introduction to the art of the Chinese writing brush. Students learn how to write Chinese characters with a brush, beginning with simple exercises on brushstrokes and graduating to 'standard script' (楷书) style.


A practical introduction to the art of Chinese painting using a writing brush. They learn the basics of brush techniques for painting, and will gain practice in painting the ‘impressionist’ (写意) style. 

'I am an Engineer' in Languages

The use of Digital Technology increases student engagement in Languages. Students explore the language through iPads which cater for multilevel learning. The use of Digital Technology motivates students to develop their character writing and pronunciation skills.

The Languages Captains for 2020

Kathy and Omar have demonstrated superb leadership and organisational skills in assisting the Languages program. Every morning Omar and Kathy would turn up to the Mandarin’s classroom, help setup and organise the book-tubs. They are responsible and ‘Put First Things First’. Kathy and Omar are deserving of recognition for the contributions they have made to BEPS. I am extremely proud of them and I have no doubts that they will continue to excel in everything that they set their mind to. Thank you both and I wish you the very best.

April W