2020 Student Leaders

School Leaders 

Being a School Leader was one of the best experiences of my life. It gave me an opportunity to develop my leadership skills towards the teachers and students of Burwood East Primary School. I enjoyed socializing with the other captains, running assembly, organizing the student of the week awards and making new friends. Thank you to all the teachers and the BEPS community for supporting me endlessly from the day I came to this school. I wish all the 2021 captains the best of luck!


      - Charissa 


Over the last 7 years at BEPS, I have watched it grow and blossom into the school it is today and I am proud to say that I was one of the 2020 School Leaders. Being a School Leader gave me the opportunity to change this school for the better, whilst also developing my leadership skills for the future. As School Leader I had many important jobs including running assembly, communicating with other leaders, organising the student of the week awards, bringing classes in and out on photo day and many more. I have had many fun experiences at this school and all thanks to my wonderful teachers, which I have had through the years.


I thank all the teachers and the B.E.P.S community for helping me strive to become a better student. 


       - Zac 

Red House Leaders

Becoming Red House leaders was an amazing experience and opportunity. Though we didn't get to do all of the leadership roles because of online learning, it was still fun. The roles we did was putting up and taking down the flag, also caring for the turtles and fish. Organising all the sport events was a great responsibility to do along with our other house leaders. Our favourite role would be the opening and closing the school gates. We’re proud of trying our best and are looking forward to more leadership roles in high school.


      - Eleni & Farabi 

Green House Leaders

As Green House leaders this year we have enjoyed being able to feed the turtles each day. This year was quite different because we had to do home learning, but when we got back to school we could go back to doing our jobs. We even organized things like sporting events and rotated through jobs around the school like raising the flag and opening the gates every morning.  We enjoyed being Green House leaders this year.


       - Olivia & Ryan 

Blue House Leaders 

This year was a very unique year for all of us because of COVID19 and being Blue House leaders has taught us a lot of new skills. In Term 1, we got to participate in the House Athletics and we came 2nd out of all the four houses. During Remote Learning, we didn’t really get to do all of our jobs that we normally do during the year, but we did lock and unlock the gates at the ‘Drop off Zone’ before going into lockdown. When we came back, we fed the turtles, hoisted up the flag and looked after the chickens. 


      - Hiruka and Hruthi 

Yellow House Leaders

Hi, we are the 2020 Yellow House leaders and this year has been unique with Covid- 19 and Home learning. Being a Yellow House leader meant we had extra work like having jobs to do around the school each day and switching jobs each term. Term 1 we had the House Athletics and Yellow House won, we also had a job that was for the whole term which was looking after the chickens. Term 2, we had to open and close the gates and half way through the term, we had to do home learning. Then in Term 3, we had a term of home learning which was hard for us, but we pushed through it. When we came back for Term 4 we split the term and did the flag for 5 weeks and the turtles for 5 weeks too. 2020 has been an unusual year, but it will be a memory to us always! Have lots of fun 2021 Yellow House leaders!


       - Ella & Audrey

Community Leaders

Hello, we are the Community Captain's for 2020. We help the school by keeping it environmentally friendly. Our jobs includes doing the compost, presenting the Welcome to Country at assembly, making announcements and also doing the sign at the front of the school each week. We also interact with the junior school students by answering their questions. 2020 has been quite an unusual year, but we have got through this challenging time together.


      - Anidhya & Omkar

Visual Arts Leaders

We are glad to be the Art leaders for 2020. We go to the art room to help set up in the morning. We also learn so much from the art teacher, Ellie. We’ve learned many things from each other too. This job makes us more responsible, efficient and independent to do our own work. This year was extremely unique, even if we had COVID-19 disrupt our learning, we got lots of encouragement from Ellie to enjoy and have fun in art. We made so many interesting artworks during remote learning, for example, we made art works with coffee and we used colourful newspapers to create animals. We love art so much, and we hope that we can inspire you to become an art leader like us!!


       - Linda & Ellie 

Languages Leaders 

As the Languages leaders this year, we enjoyed helping April in the morning by sharpening the pencils, putting the books away and wiping the board. We also presented the Languages Awards at Assembly in Term 1. Even though half of this year was home learning because of COVID-19, we still enjoyed being the Language Captains.  


        - Kathy & Omar 

Sports Leaders 

This year came and went... we had many tribulations through the tough year, but even so, we ensured that each student participated in sports and made sure that they all kept fit and healthy during quarantine. We believe physical health is important, as well as mental health so we helped students have their say and increase sportsmanship. We collected house points from each class in the school and presented them in assembly. Even though 2020 has been a difficult year we still had lots of fun and overall it has been a really interesting. It was really fun to represent our school in sporting events.


        - Riley & King 

STEM Leaders 

During Term 1, we enjoyed presenting the eSmart tip of the week. We worked with the community captains quite a bit. We presented the STEM award to children who deserved it and to us it was an honour. It taught us that with a great role to be proud of, it is a great responsibility. 


        - Addi & Timmy 

Performing Arts Leaders

As Performing Arts leaders, we help Martine do jobs around the school, for example, we move instruments and equipment, we help run the concert and introduce the events. We both participate in the BEPS band and have performed at school on multiple occasions. Being Performing Arts leaders for this year was a new experience for both of us, especially with all the drama this year. It has been a unique and unforgettable year for all the leaders.


       - Caleb & Mia