Personal Project Exhibition
Year 10
Personal Project Exhibition
Year 10
by Robin Wang, Personal Project Coordinator
Last week we celebrated the 2019/20 Preshil MYP Personal Project Exhibition which took place virtually on the School’s website, due to Stage 4 lockdown restrictions.
The exhibition was a great success. It was wonderful to see the amazing products made by Year 10 students via their videos, in which they proved themselves to be effective communicators. Our students have done really well through this whole journey, witnessed by truly exciting work and diverse passions highlighted in the exhibition; music in film, art therapy, drawing the human body, money in English football, body image, building a computer, songwriting, programming, journalling and the history of Preshil stage curtains, to name a few.
The Personal Project is not an easy task. A lot of work has to be done to make it to the end. It was fascinating to see how much the students enjoyed this experience, one reflecting "It is easier than it seems, I would compare it to adults' Lego!"
The IB MYP Personal Project provides a great opportunity for students to learn more about a topic which really interests them. Through a process of investigation, planning, taking action and reflecting, the Personal Project encourages students to identify a global context, reflect on Approaches to Learning skills, demonstrate research skills and develop as an IB learner. Our exhibition truly demonstrated what our students are capable of achieving with the right commitment. They have made wonderful products in this challenging year without considering any possible excuses. As the Personal Project Coordinator, I am very proud of them.
On behalf of our fantastic group of Year 10 students I would like to thank all the patient and dedicated Personal Project supervisors who shared the learning journey with them.