What's Happening at OLA!


What a busy fortnight we have had in Pre-Primary!


We had a great time preparing for our assembly and we enjoyed entertaining you with our song, Into the Bush. We thought it was so special the way the whole school joined in and sang along with us! Here are some photos from the afternoon.

Wednesday was the Feast of the Assumption. We celebrated the day as a whole school and joined the Parish for Mass. The fete was a HUGE success and we enjoyed having our faces painted, playing games, painting rocks and decorating cupcakes. Thank you to the families who came along to join in the celebrations with us!

Mrs Noonan, Miss Smith and Mrs Durkin

Year 2

This week, in Year 2, we have had a super exciting time. On Wednesday, 15 August, we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption. The Year 2s ran a Spin the Wheel stall, where we raised money for Caritas Australia. We loved the photo booth that was run by Year 5. In the afternoon, we watched the Year 5s musical performance for the Performing Arts. They were amazing! We then got to practise our Shark Poem for the first time in front of an audience. We received some outstanding reviews and helpful tips from our peers. To finish off the day we spent time with our Year 5 buddies reading our favourite books and playing some games.


In class, we have been learning about the features of a narrative and this week we have started to plan and write our very own narratives using a storyboard. We are making sure that our stories have characters, a setting, a problem and a solution. Our stories are going to be amazing! 


In Art, we have been learning about Van Gogh’s artwork especially his sunflower pieces. We made a digital representation of sunflowers in a pot using Pic Collage on the iPads. The next project for Art is to sketch our digital pictures, outline them and paint them using different techniques.

Miss Rotondo and Miss Croft

Year 4

Lots of exciting things have been happening for us in Year Four.


On Tuesday, 7 August, we attended the Performing Arts Festival at St Benedict’s Church to sing, Take and Eat and Clap Alleluia, both songs are by Michael Mangan. Our performance of Take and Eat was sung with reverence and respect. We put more energy into singing Clap Alleluia and tried to make it more uplifting with a faster rhythm and tapping sticks to welcome the Gospel. We feel we sang beautifully and our soloists Francesca and Ella sang with joy in their hearts. We would like to thank Mrs McAuliffe for putting the love of music into our souls and for all of her hard work. A special thank you to Mr Flamenco for giving up his free time and accompanying us on the organ/electric piano at the practices and the Performing Arts Festival.


Our Lady’s Assumption has great meaning for us. It is the name of our school and Mary is the compass for our lives. We celebrated our Feast Day with a heart-warming Mass and Father Ken added his own special touch. This was followed with Fete Stalls organised by each year level. Our fruit kebabs were not only healthy but delicious too. There were so many wonderful stalls to choose from. Wait there’s more! We were treated to a sausage sizzle for lunch. The day just got better and better.

Ms Dean, Mrs McCarthy, Miss Mannas and Mrs Peters

Year 6

My Kitchen Rules presentations have dominated the past two weeks in our class. We were to film ourselves, for approximately 5 minutes, fulfilling a rubric instructing and preparing 30 sweet or savoury portions for our class to taste and score.


Our class produced a variety of yummy and interesting treats for us to taste. Grandmothers’ recipes to internet sensations were all on offer. It was great to see our friends in their homes surrounded by family, and cameo appearances of pets, assisting them in their presentations.


An incursion by Michael Nicholas, a cartoonist, TV scriptwriter and graphic artist was another highlight of the past fortnight. Michael shared his images of cartoon characters from a TV series, in production around the world and his ability to draw, with exceptional ease and detail.


Michael placed us in our faction groups and asked us to brainstorm a mascot image for our faction. The mascot is to demonstrate the values and traits of our school and faction. The Year 6 Challenge group will now review our ideas and present a mascot image for our opinions.

Miss Figueira and Mr De Pietro