Principal's Message

Feast of the Assumption Prayer

Our Lady's Assumption
Our Lady's Assumption


Father in heaven,

all creation rightly gives you praise,

for all life and all holiness come from you.

In the plan of your wisdom

she who bore the Christ in her womb

was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.

May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness

and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Feast of the Assumption - Thank You

Thank you to all members of the Our Lady's Assumption School community who made our Feast Day a success. On Wednesday, Fr. Ken led the School and Parish in a wonderful celebration of Our Lady. The children enjoyed singing along with Fr. Ken as part of the Mass.


The fete was jam packed with fun events, tunes and time with friends and family. The stalls raised a HUGE $1181.30 for Caritas Australia. This donation will help many people in Australia who are in need. 


Special mention to Mr Peter Sigle for coordinating the setup and organisation of lunch. Thank you to Amanda, Nigel, Josie, Lisa and all volunteers who assisted with preparing and cooking the sausage sizzle lunch for the students. Thank you also to the staff for their organisation and support on this special day.

OLA School Improvement Team (SIT)

During the first few weeks of Term 3, an OLA School Improvement Team (SIT) was formed to support the Leadership Team in raising standards at OLA. The team will be meeting regularly and as decisions are made, these will be implemented and students and parents advised.


The team consists of teachers, educational assistants, non-teaching staff and a member of the Leadership Team. I thank the staff members who have volunteered to be on the team and for giving their time own time.

OLA Sensory Program

Commencing in the near future, a 'Sensory Program' will be established to support students in various classes.  The Sensory Program is an intervention program designed to support students to develop their sensory motor skills through specific activities that target fine and gross motor skills. The program will run on a daily basis, from 8.30am to 9.00am. 


Parents, of students who would benefit from the program, will be contacted in the near future and invited to participate in the program.

Performing Arts Festival Update

Congratulations to the Year 4 and Year 6 Liturgical Class Choirs who participated in the Sacred Choral Music section of the Festival. Both choirs received an Excellence Award. Well done!

Assembly Time Change - 2.30pm

Next Friday, 24 August, the Year Five Assembly will commence at 2.30pm.

Family Mass - Change of Date

The OLA Family Mass that was scheduled for this Sunday, 19 August, has been rescheduled to Sunday, 9 September, at 9.30am. This is to coincide with the celebration of Our Lady's birthday.

Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass

This year, we will be holding a Fathers' Day Breakfast and Mass on Friday 31 August. Please see the attached flyer about the planned celebrations. We hope many of the father figures in our students' lives can join us on the day!

Book Week

Please see the Library section of this week's newsletter for information about next week's Book Week events at OLA. Thank you to Mrs Durkin and Mrs Dale for coordinating these events. We can't wait to see everyone's costumes on Wednesday morning!

Testing at OLA

This week, students in Year 3 completed the Bishops' Religious Literacy Assessment. We also concluded ICAS Testing for students in Years 3 - 6 who chose to participate in these tests. Results will be available to families in Term 4.

Chester Avenue Access and Parking

A local resident, who lives on Chester Avenue, visited me last Tuesday to voice his disappointment with parents parking their vehicles over onto the pathway, along Chester Ave parking bays (over the verge). Elderly residents, especially those with gophers, are then unable get through and become trapped between the cars and fence. 


I have requested, in the past, that parents park their vehicles in the Dianella Plaza carpark and make their way to the school, via the main school entrance or the entrance near the church, but if parents decide to park their vehicles along the Chester Avenue  parking bays, I respectfully request the cars don't go over the pathway. I have made contact with the City of Stirling to discuss the best way to prevent cars from parking over the pathways.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
