Uniform Check

With the end of remote learning for Term 3 and the return to on-site teaching to resume in Term 4, take the time over the school holidays to review your child's uniform.  If some items have been misplaced or no longer fit, our uniform suppliers are fully stocked with the school's uniform range.


Please call in to see Crockers located on Armstrong Street, Lowes in Central Square Shopping Centre and PSW located on Howitt Street.


Uniform price lists are below for your convenience.


The aim of the Ballarat High School Student Dress Code is the promotion of personal pride and a strong school identity through our school uniform.  The school dress code respects and reflects the cultural norms of the school community and its requirements apply equally to all students. 


If you are experiencing financial hardship and would like some assistance with shoes and/or uniform, our Student Services team may be able to help. Please contact us from Monday 5th October.