Year 7 Pastoral Guardian

a + b + c = x…………. It’s Simple!

The old adage A healthy mind equals a healthy body is very true, but can it be easily achieved and what does an algebraic equation have to do with it?  Easy!  If a is dopamine and b is melatonin and c is cortisol; what is x?  A good place to start is ….. sleep! 


In this edition of Parent Corner my colleagues have written snippets on the importance and processes of dopamine, melatonin, and cortisol on overall wellbeing.  I wish to focus my snippet on their significance on sleep and sleep regulation.  Melatonin induces sleep, dopamine (amongst its other roles) is essential for triggering the waking process through the inhibition of melatonin release, and cortisol wakes us up and starts us going.  When there is an imbalance of these key players, sleep is disturbed, and deprivation ensues. Without hormonal equilibrium, we are then vulnerable to the risk of illness, and limited potential to perform and achieve, and we may be denied the enjoyments of life.


Now use this opportunity to reflect upon last night and today and ask the following questions of yourself and your daughter/s:

  • What time did you go to bed?
  • Did you go straight to sleep?
  • Did you read or use an electronic device?
  • Was it a quality sleep?
  • How did you feel today?

Now reflect on the past week and month:

  • Can you see a trend?
  • Do you have a regular sleep pattern?
  • Am I achieving a good balance of sleep, work and play?
  • If not, what are you going to do to improve your situation?

Through reflection and practice, healthy habits can be developed and optimal performance, in all aspects of life, can be achieved. 

Simple really!  All you must do is sleep.


Michael Butterworth