Enrichment and Extension Month
Enrichment and Extension Month for GEC’s High Ability Learners
September 2020 is Enrichment and Extension Month for GEC’s high ability learners! GEC is excited to be able to provide selected students with the opportunity to participate in a range of events targeted for high ability learners as part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series.
The Department of Education has developed two programs that are designed to support high ability students: The Victorian High-Ability Program which is available to pre-selected students in Years 5-8 and the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series which is available for high ability students in all years.
These programs aim to stretch high-ability students to reach their full potential. Students have been selecting events to attend including masterclasses, virtual excursions, STEM design challenges and conferences, just to name a few. Selected students have already been contacted via email and are encouraged to contact their relevant subject teachers to enter events of interest to them.
Clinton Chiumello
High Ability Practice Leader