Primary Music

Dorothy Lincoln

Fiddlesticks String Group
Fiddlesticks String Group

With a lot of events this year, we have changed how the 2020 Arts’ Festival is to be held. In the place of holding it on one night, we will be having an Arts Festival Week. Classes, groups and individuals will perform during each lunchtime during the last week of term. It will be relaxed and make the end of term a celebration.

Rehearsals have begun for a performance during Arts Festival Week. Fiddlesticks is preparing three pieces to perform.

Primary Music Classes

Year One
Year Three
Year Four
Year One
Year Three
Year Four

This week in Primary Music classes, the students in Year 1 played the chime bars together, learning to listen for the count-in to signal the start, keeping together by holding the beat and tempo.

In Year 3, rhythm has been a feature of lessons this term with students moving from a whole class body percussion game to playing the rhythms on instruments. This has required great concentration and teamwork skills.

Our Year 4 students have explored hand percussion games while Prep enjoyed turning a song into a mini-musical!