Canteen News

End of Term Three

There will no lunch orders, either by the Qkr app or the paper bag method, available on the final day of Term Three, Friday 25 September, as the canteen undergoes a thorough clean in readiness for Term Four.

Over-the-counter sales of snacks and drinks will be available.

Qkr! Orders


From the commencement of Term Four, Tuesday 13 October, the cut off for all lunch orders will be 9.00am rather than 9.15am.

The app will not accept any orders after this time.

Disposable Cutlery

Also from the commencement of Term Four, the canteen will charge $0.50 for each plastic fork or spoon that students request over the counter.

Parents and students are reminded to pack their own cutlery in their lunchboxes, preferably not single-use forks or spoons.

Canteen Assistance

The Mount Carmel College Canteen is run by Mrs Tania Saville with the support of volunteers.

With online ordering of lunches making it easier for families, we have seen a sharp increase in the number of lunches ordered online every day.

We are looking for volunteers to help Tania, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, between the hours of 9.30am and 1.30pm.

Duties on the day include assisting with the preparation and packing of orders and serving students at recess and lunch time with over-the-counter purchases.

All volunteers at the College must have a current Working With Vulnerable Persons registration in place as well as complete a WHS safety induction.  

If you are able to volunteer your time, please contact the College Office on 6216 7900.