A Word from the Principal

Fiona Nolan

As we head towards the end of Term 3, Reports have been released and Learning Conferences completed.  It is now that we can focus on what our next pillar of the Strategic Plan is - “Courageous Learning”. 


It is not often we see these two words together - courage can be reflected in many spheres in our life - we can have public speaking courage but no soccer courage; sky diving courage but no learning to drive courage, mountain climbing courage but no public speaking courage. We all have courage in the bag for some things and not for others - which of course means we can all work on improving courage where we need to.


When we tie courage to learning, things can become transformational. One of the joys in my working week is to talk with incoming students about what subjects they like and what subjects challenge them.  When we use the words “trying to build algebra courage” or when we are trying to build “science courage” it means that we are taking the challenges on and working to build our grit and determination in resolving them. Courage in facing our learning challenges means we stop

 “pretending to understand things when we don’t, stop pretending we’re too cool to care about the work. It means you take the risk to raise your hand and ask questions, to share your thinking with others, to take critique from peers. It means having the courage to choose difficult problems and risk mistakes” (The Importance of Academic Courage

...this is academic courage.


It is changing the fixed mindset and developing a growth mindset. It is about understanding that all learning is developmental and there are different ways to get to the end result. Sometimes slow and steady is important, sometimes we might need to stay in the “learning pit” for a little longer to strengthen the foundation. Our strategic plan looks at some key areas of research that highlight the need to continue to make links between disciplines, to reflect life and the multiple connections that occur naturally. We know that the benefits of taking risks in our learning leads to higher engagement and academic performance (Courage in the Classroom). So as a College, the area of Courageous Learning is one we hope to continue to develop - both in our staff and in our students.

Thought of the Week

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston S. Churchill

Summer Uniform

A reminder to parents and carers that all students are to be in full summer uniform on the first day of Term Four. This includes sunhats, which are a compulsory item.

In alignment with the College Sun Protection Policy, in Terms 1 and 4, the College bucket hat or College boater is to be worn outside at recess, lunch breaks or while involved in other outdoor activities. The College cap does not offer enough protection and is not to be worn during recess or lunch breaks. Students without a sun-safe hat will be required to remain in the shade.