House Reports


From everyone at Flagstaff we congratulate the students for showing high levels of resilience, persistence and mutual respect throughout a very difficult term of learning at home. We recognise the efforts many of you have gone through to get the best out of your learning climate and acknowledge that this has been very difficult for many. Thank you to the parents and carers for supporting the students through this uncertain time. 


As a house we recognise Zoe Borthwick and wish her the best in the Grand Final of Get Me A Gig singing competition in Hamilton, well done Zoe. 


We have been receiving much interest in our student leaders program for 2021 with some very creative and enthusiastic ideas about where to next for Flagstaff house so we wish to thank the students for taking ownership of Flagstaff from a student perspective.


Have a wonderful term break everyone.

- Tom White, Zacc Struth and Steve Hall 

Dear Logans Families, 

With only a couple of days to go until the term 3 holidays I just wanted to reach out and say thank you. It has been a huge term and year for our students, but without the amazing support of families we would not have made it to this point.  I know it’s been hard and that everyone is tired but congratulations to the students who have shown up each day and worked with their teachers to achieve the best they can. Thank you to all the family members that have helped with the supporting of students to understand and complete work, on top of your jobs and responsibilities. I hope for many this has been an opportunity for you to spend more time together as a family and see what your children do at school and maybe everyone has learnt something. 


It is exciting to be coming back to school on-site in week two of term 4, I know I am looking forward to getting out of my house each day and back into the classroom. For most students this will be something they are looking forward to, yet for others working from home has been an experience they have enjoyed and would like to continue. We are aware whichever way students feel the transition is going to be one with challenges and we are working with staff to make this transition as positive for all as we can. Please let me know if you have any concerns regarding the transition back to school so we can best support each student. 


When we return to school, face masks will be required for all students and social distancing and hand sanitising will also need to continue, we have put in the hard work so now we need to continue to do everything we can so that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have been fortunate to gain this week in Regional Victoria. 


Lockers – When we return the new locker area will be finished in the area between C and L wings, all of the Logans lockers except the year 7's will move into this space and our corridors will be opened up. However, we do need to switch some lockers around when we get back, so anyone with a purple locker will be allocated a new locker on the first day and most of the year 7’s will also have a new locker as the purple lockers will become yours. But we will be there to help you with this on the first day to move your books and find your lockers. 


Student Leadership – Thank you to all who have applied, there is still time to be involved in this and I am looking to our students in years 9,10 and 11 for your involvement in this group. This is your opportunity to be involved in shaping the culture of the house and making things like tute, sports days and whole house events even better.  Please use this form to complete your application


I would like to wish you all a great break, please take the opportunity to turn off and do something you enjoy, make the most of the reduction in restrictions, the sunshine and if travelling please be safe. 


We will see you online in week 1 and then f2f in week 2. 

The Logans Team. 

Well what a year, what a term! While it has been very difficult to complete any whole house activities our Tutorial staff have done a fantastic job at keeping their students in their tutorials connected. This has happened via Google meets, Kahootz, tutorial challenges and phone calls home, where need be, to check on the welfare of our students and their families. 


As the House Leader of Belfast I have been so impressed by the resilience and determination of all our students during these unprecedented times. All students have handled the remote learning restrictions differently because no two families' circumstances are the same. For some students it has been business as usual, others have found it more difficult to stay engaged via a screen. Whatever your level of buy-in over remote learning, at 2.30 pm today take a deep breath, turn off your device and give yourself a pat on the back, you have made it through!! 


To all of our families, thank you for supporting your children in such difficult circumstances, like my house it would have had its ups and downs. I just want to recognise, in particular, our Year 7 students and Year 12 students in the classes of 2020. Our Year 7 students, in what was meant to be such an exciting first year of secondary school, have handled themselves with class, right from the first day - your time will come. To our Year 12 students, who have had their studies and social lives turned upside down, the strongest trees grow where the wind blows the hardest. It has not been fun but dealing with 2020 will make you incredibly strong and resilient. And to all of our staff, students and families, thanks for your support of your children and our students. Looking forward to getting back together in Term Four!!

The Belfast Team

Merri students have still been working hard despite having to learn from home for the majority of Term 2 and 3.


Cooper Philpot received the Maryanne Hulin award in the year 8 picture story book competition. Year 9 students Scarlett Westhorpe and Ayya Maulyda have been getting creative with their artwork now on display in the main office. Raihan Widyo has been excelling in the Merit department having received a total of 145 merits for the year for demonstrating the school values persistence resilience and mutual respect.


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the Merri students, staff and family members for their commitment during the remote learning period. The persistence and resilience that everyone has displayed has been absolutely outstanding and you all should give yourself a well-earned pat on the back and find some things to do over the holidays to relax and reward yourself. We look forward to having you back to school early in term 4 as we work together to adjust to the new COVID normal. We have done the hard yards to come this far, I know we can make it through to the end of the year. 

See you in Term 4