Principal's Page

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a wonderful term of improvement in every student’s learning, and growth in faith. At St Joseph’s, we have seen students very focussed on learning despite all the challenges that the term has brought due to COVID-19.  


Our work together with you as parents and carers is the work of God’s mission. We share in God’s mission to bring the fullness of life to every child. A Catholic Education is the process of realising the presence of God in all people and in all of our activity, of bringing about the reign of God in our world by being the very presence of God for the world.


I congratulate every student for their efforts, openness to learning, persistence, and support of each other in the classroom every day. Students have become very well versed in the use of lesson Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to support learning, know how they are going, and what they can do to improve their work. 


This term, teachers have provided more opportunities for students to better access feedback about their learning progress and set goals for the next steps in each students learning in literacy. I thank the teachers and School Support Officers for their incredible commitment to each and every student. We are truly blessed with a wonderful staff and a strong culture among them of supporting each other for the benefit of students.


This week, students have had a great time at our SJB Fun Sports Carnival. They represented their houses well, cheered each other on, laughed a lot, and were the very essence of what it means to be a St Joseph’s boy or girl. I hope that your children were able to share their experiences of the day with you. See the Sports page of this newsletter for some photos.


Thank you to all of those students who enthusiastically celebrated Fruit and Veg Week. The colouring-in, 2D/3D characters, and board game competition entries were just amazing. 


I hope every family of St Joseph’s has a relaxing holiday and time just to be together. We look forward to Term 4 and all that it will bring. Keep safe.


For all things at St Joseph’s throughout Term 3, give thanks!

Jen Charadia


School Handbook

School Canteen Update

I am sure that many parents and carers will join me in sincerely thanking the P&F for operating the school canteen over many years. We have been blessed with committed and capable canteen coordinators and very generous volunteers. 


The canteen has been a good service for students and parents. Any funds raised have always been donated back to the school by the P&F for the purchase of learning resources.


After much discussion with the P&F and due consideration, a decision has been made to outsource our School Canteen commencing Term 1, 2021.


Why outsource the school canteen?

Our parent volunteers do an exceptional job of managing the canteen 4 days per week. However, over the past few years, the canteen has experienced a significant downturn in the number of volunteers, often resulting in the closure of the canteen, and generally at short notice. 


Outsourcing the canteen will enable it to operate 5 days per week and perhaps with additional service options such as breakfast.


The school canteen is often the first setting where a child practices using money and purchasing skills. With this in mind, the school aims to continue to provide an enjoyable experience for students and a nutritious selection of foods and drinks at reasonable prices.


We are hopeful that the opportunity for parent/carer involvement as volunteers might continue and will discuss this as part of the tender process.


Tenders for the outsourcing will begin this week and I invite interested parents/ families with experience in catering to apply.


For further information please contact the school office on 4283 1111.

End of Term 3 Awards

The following students will receive the following awards at our afternoon assembly to be held on Friday 25 October 2020.


Academic Excellence

KJ: Louie B  KM: Zoe C  1J: Elizabeth K  1M: Harper M  2J: Annie D  2M: Lorelei G  3J:   Jessie H  3M: Charlie M  4J: Jet D  4M: Scarlett H  5J: Nathan N 5M: Crosby C  6J: Sadhbh B  6M: Isla W


Habits of Mind

KJ: Jimmy R  KM: Eloise B  1J: Elle A  1M: Charlie S  2J: Harry S  2M: Sophie P  3J: Cian C  3M: Alby J  4J: Alex W  4M: William L  5J: Isaac M 5M: Matthew R 6J: Claire 6M:  Amelia R


St Mary Of The Cross

KJ: Taj A  KM: Grace M  1J: Archie S  1M: James B 2J: Chloe R  2M: Rosalind K 3J: Charlotte B 3M: Hudson M 4J: Torah B 4M: Tessa H 5J: Emmie L 5M: Lillian G 6J: Camryn I 6M: Cody L

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our morning assembly on Friday 23 October 2020.  

Piper S3rd
Chelsea L4th
Paige R3rd
Jessica J6th

Acknowledgement to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.