e-Learning News

Get a Cyber Safe Certificate each week! 

Cybersmart Hero addresses the issue of cyberbullying and the power of those in the best position to disrupt cyberbullying—the bystander.



By the end of this activity students will be able to: 

* Identify what cyberbullying is 

* Describe and use strategies in situations where they feel cyberbullied 

* Recognise when to seek help in cyberbullying situations 

* Be a positive bystander in a cyberbullying situation


The video is an adult-led activity so it is best viewed on a large screen together. Stop the video at the pause break (or whenever you feel necessary) and have a family discussion.



Any completed certificates, please email Mr Lane so he can make a record of your achievements! 



The Techsperts! 

Check out our superstar students!  

Today we are showcasing the work of Alison! She has been working very had to create her own video game, using scratch to program the rules. Give the game a go, and see what high score you can get! 


Keep those projects coming in! We are keen to continue celebrating all the work that you are putting into your learning! 


Zachary Lane

eLearning Leader