
HSC Timetable
HSC written exams will start on Wednesday 11 October 2023 with English Paper 1 and finish on Friday 3 November 2023 with Food Technology. Students are able to access their individual timetables via their Students Online accounts.
Year 12 Graduation will be held on Thursday November 9.
Year 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Year 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences were held on Wednesday 3 May. Thank you to those who attended the evening and took the opportunity to speak with teachers.
Literacy Work
A targeted literacy approach continues to be a focus across all faculties at the college. Stage 4 students are working closely on improving their tier 2 and tier 3 words to build their vocabulary. Educational researcher, Robert Marzano’s six-step approach to building academic vocabulary, has been an important instructional practice in classrooms to bring greater depth, understanding, and clarity to student writing. Writing data collected from recent assessment platforms also indicates the importance of explicit teaching on sentence elaboration. Students will receive targeted teaching to support them to extend and vary the complexity of their sentence writing.
Learning sprints, that focus on key literacy skills, will be the focus for Stage 5 students across a range of subjects this term. The improved writing results from Term 1 indicate this approach is assisting students to refine and focus their understanding of the topics they are studying and produce writing with greater depth while further improving their grammatical and punctuation skills.
Using exemplary writing texts in Stage 6 is a way of giving students an opportunity for self-reflection and guide their understanding in a clear, contextual and non-threatening manner. Teachers are using a modelled writing approach to ensure students are exposed to high-quality examples that allow them to construct their own responses with these examples in mind.
DEALING WITH CONFLICT – strategies for conflict resolution
TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS – find out the recommended amount of time to spend on schoolwork, learn more about independent learning and print weekly planners
DEALING WITH DISTRACTIONS – strategies for managing technology addictions
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Username: mccarthycc
Password: 77success
Sally Sparke
Assistant Principal - Curriculum
Briony Martin
Leader of Learning and Teaching/Leader of Pedagogy
Nicole Anderson
Leader of Pedagogy/Literacy Coach