Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for the work of Semester 1. I hope all have an enjoyable and resting break.
Here is a video that is part of the recruitment package for a principal for McCarthy. The start date is negotiable but ideally Term 4 this year for a term of observing and settling in before taking over at the start of 2024. This will allow a new principal to be familiar with the improvement work we are doing and to be well-placed to lead its continuation. The Catholic Schools Office will be looking for a candidate who understands System and school goals and who can continue our tight focus on improving conditions for learning and wellbeing. The video features members of the College community talking about McCarthy and about qualities they are looking for in a new principal. Thank you to all who contributed!
Year 7 applicants for 2024 received a letter this week outlining next steps in enrolment. By the advertised closing date we received 240 applications for an anticipated 168 positions, in 7 classes. We have spent some time since working on creating an 8th class to accommodate more students. This involves sourcing additional teachers and ensuring sufficient teaching and learning spaces for an increased school population. These tasks are complicated respectively by a teacher shortage and an upcoming major building program at McCarthy which will temporarily reduce classroom spaces through demolition.
Enrolment criteria are used when we have more applicants than places. These criteria affirm that McCarthy Catholic College, as a school of the Armidale Diocese, has a first responsibility to Catholic students, students from our Armidale Diocese primary schools, and siblings of current students. There are currently over 190 applicants in this group.
Following a meeting this week with Catholic Schools Office staff I can confirm we will:
1. Add an additional class to allow 192 students in Year 7, 2024.
2. Offer an enrolment interview to students in Catholic feeder schools, Catholic students in other schools, and siblings of current students.
This is understandably disappointing for families who are not Catholic who want to join us from a school that is not one of our Catholic primary schools. We welcome any family willing to support the ethos of the College and join in partnership with the College, and it is disappointing for us as well that circumstances prevent us from welcoming all who indicated a desire to join this community.
Our thanks and best wishes go to Wade Leu who is leaving us to join a school in Sydney, Olivia Guilbert who begins Maternity Leave, Tracey Bradbery who is on LSL for the rest of the year and John Wong who completed a block of IT work before heading back to University.
Rod Whelan