Sports Empowerment, Education and Development

   Year 10

What is this subject about?

In Year 10 students may apply for the SEED (Sport Empowerment, Educations and Development) program which runs as an elective subject for the whole year. Some students have been identified through the Year 9 SEED program and encouraged to apply in Year 10. 

Other students have applied through a keen interest in a particular sport or a pathway in the Health/PE/Sport industry.



Year 9 & 10 SEED students participate in 2 sessions of specialist coaching in one of the sports offered each Wednesday for the year. The sports in 2024 were Basketball, Volleyball, AFL, Cricket, Netball, Badminton and Soccer. (The focus sports can change from year to year or Term to Term based on student interest).

SEED students will also complete one session with a fitness focus each week.


2 sessions of this elective focuses on education to improve performance and completion of 5 Units of the Certificate III in Sport & Recreation. Students will be educated in areas such as nutrition, mental preparation, training methods and recovery methods. The structure of the Certificate III in Sport & Recreation is listed below:

Units completed as part of the Certificate III in Sport & Recreation

  • Participate in Workplace Heatlh and Safety
  • Participate in conditioning for sport
  • Maintain activity equipment
  • Provide First Aid
  • Respond to Emergency Situations
  • Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

If this subject is SELECTED, students can not participate in Year 10 H.A.P.E


Skills you will develop

The SEED program aims to provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Enjoy both sporting and academic success.
  • Experience expert coaching and skill development.
  • Develop positive relationships with students, staff and the NBC and local communities.
  • Develop self-esteem and self-confidence through positive sporting experiences.
  • Develop lifelong physical activity habits.
  • Identify clear pathways in the sporting/physical education/health industries.
  • Access leadership opportunities.
  • Experience a variety of sporting opportunities through access to local clubs, coaches and facilities.



  • SAC 1: Participation in SEED Coaching and Fitness Session
  • SAC 2: Organise personal work priorities and development (Cert III Unit)
  •  SAC 3: Maintain equipment for activities (Cert III Unit)


  • SAC 1: Participation in SEED Coaching and Fitness Session
  • SAC 2: Fitness Portfolio
  • SAC 3: Completion of Online Sport & Recreation Certificate III Theory Questions


The inclusion of the Certificate III in Sport & Recreation as a SEED subject gives students the ability to continue in a SEED pathway through Year 11 and 12. As part of the Year 10 SEED elective you will complete 5 Units towards your certificate. If you continue in Sport & Recreation in Year 11 & 12 you will complete the other 10 Units, achieve 4 Units towards your VCE certificate or Units towards your VCAL certificate. This provides an option to continue specialist coaching, fitness and education through SEED until you graduate from the Goldsworthy campus.


‘It’s a fun subject to do. You learn a lot through the Sport & Rec Certificate. In the specialist coaching sessions you get social opportunities to work in a team and it helps you build confidence in the sport you choose and in life in general.’


If you are interested in this subject please see Mr Lowery or Mr Davis