Health and Human Development

Virtual reality road safety exhibit at Melbourne Museum

Health promotion and enhancing road safety

The Year 12 Health and Human Development students recently visited the ‘Road to Zero: Road Safety Experience.’ at Melbourne Museum. In class, we’ve been discussing targets of health promotion in Australia, especially focused on road safety. Visiting the exhibition has helped to strengthen our knowledge on the topic, as well as learn about the people involved in working towards enhancing road safety in Australia. 


We all caught the tram up together, and before entering the museum we all split up to have a lunch break, with some people grabbing coffees whilst others relaxed in the sun. The experience started at around 12:30 where we entered a room with a couple other schools to watch a presentation surrounding road safety. It included aspects such as prevention methods, progress over the years and future goals both nationally and globally. We then went on to an interactive gallery, where each student immersed themselves in various activities. Some of them included a virtual reality experience where you travel in a care from 1970 to 2055, or another where you experience the feeling of a dramatic drop from the 11th floor of the Royal Exhibition Building. After this fun and intriguing exploration, we moved on to another room where we delved into statistics on road fatalities around the world and compared different countries to each other.


The final aspect of the experience was in another room where we split into groups to complete some more detailed questions that related to what we’ve been learning in class. Some key vocabulary included “The Ottawa Charter” or “Sustainability Development Goals,” which probably aren’t as well known to people who haven’t visited the gallery or read the HHD textbook! We finished up around 2:30 where students were dismissed from the Museum. Some went straight home while others reluctantly went back to school to complete their English SAC. All in all, it was an engaging excursion which has helped to further apply the knowledge we’ve learnt in class. It was also the first excursion for some people in over a year (including me!). The trip was definitely a success!


~Martina Zeevaarder, Year 12