Student Services : Careers 

Happy Careers Week!

It’s National Careers Week this week, a great week to think about all the amazing career adventures out there!


It's an exciting week for our Year 10 students, who are out enjoying the world of work.  The process for this event started way back in Term 4 2022, and students have had to reach out of their comfort zone to contact employers, manage knockbacks and step out of school and into work this week.  What a learning experience! The vast majority of students were able to find a ‘live’ placement, and some students are completing a ‘virtual’ work experience placement working from home. Virtual work experience has really developed over recent years and we trust that all students are having an engaging and enlightening week.  We look forward to hearing about your experiences when you return next week. 

Course selection on the horizon

Our subject expo is at the end of this month, and before we know it students in Years 9-11 will be choosing subjects for 2024. Appointments are limited so if you need to have a chat about pathways, subject prerequisites or careers then make sure you book in early via 

Applying for a USI

Year 12 students will be completing their 2024 plans and applications from early August. To prepare for this process every student in Year 12 should apply for their Unique Student Identifier (USI). Students who have completed a VET or other external course may already have one. ACTION: All students should apply for or ensure that they have their USI by the end of this term.  For more information, and to apply, head to