
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Innovation and Design

Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett and Ms Kirk


We are so excited to welcome students back for Term 2 and are looking forward to some amazing learning in Innovation and Design. During the coming weeks students will be learning what hardware and software is and identifying different examples of each.  Students in Years 3-6 will also be exploring the four basic steps that all devices use to transmit data between hardware devices - input, storage, process and output. 

  • Hardware is basically what you can see or touch - the circuits, wires, chips, speakers, plugs, screens, controllers, keyboards, mouse, devices, etc.
  • Software is all the computer programs or code running on the machine. 


Next week we will have a gallery of devices and hardware for students to look at, touch and explore which will support this learning.


Students in all year levels will have the opportunity throughout the term to design and create something that displays their learning about digital technology. We look forward to sharing these designs and learnings later in the term. 


Ms Kenny and Ms Nguyen 


Welcome to all students and parents in Term 2 and we look forward to lots of learning and exploring in this term. Students will be exploring the Chemical Sciences branch of Science in this term. 


Foundation - Year 1: Students will be learning about different materials like glass, paper, plastic, rubber, metals etc. and how each of these materials have unique properties that can be seen and felt. Students also will be identifying materials that can be flexible or inflexible.


Year 2: Students will be learning about the difference between materials and objects and how these materials can be physically changed through actions like bending, stretching, twisting. They will also learn how materials can be combined to serve a purpose or create a new product. 


Year 3: Students will be learning about states of matter (solid and liquid) and their properties. They will also learn how the adding and removing of heat can cause changes in states of matter. 


Year 4: Students will be learning about different types of materials like glass, paper, plastic, rubber, metals etc. and how these can be categorised into natural and man-made materials. They will also learn about the unique properties of materials and how these properties influence their use. 


Year 5/ 6: Students will be learning about states of matter (solid and liquid and gas) and their observable properties. They will be able to identify the various situations in which states of matter can change such as heating and cooling. They will also observe how gases, though mostly invisible, also occupy space.

Visual Arts

Ms O'Dowd

Welcome back to Term 2 in the Visual Arts. This term, all students will be exploring paint through a variety of activities and projects. To protect our beautiful school uniforms, we kindly ask that all students’ bring an art smock to school. Art smocks can be purchased online and instore from a variety of stores including K-Mart, Big W and Target. Alternatively, an old long sleeved shirt/top that completely covers the uniform can be used as an art smock. We kindly request that all art smocks are clearly labelled with your child’s first and last name. 


Year Level Artist Focus

Foundation: George Seurat- Pointillism and the colour wheel

Year 1 and 2: Matisse- Post Impressionism and Collage

Year 3 and 4: Frida Kahlo- Surrealism and Self Portraits

Year 5 and 6: Giacometti- History and Sculpture


I am so excited to see our students’ art works come to life!


Physical Education

Mr Crane and Mr Jones


Welcome back to Term 2 in Physical Education. This term, students will be developing their skills in a range of different settings and events. Term 2 is always fun in PE, students start to develop their skills and proficiency in different sports.


Foundation: In Term 2, the Foundation students will be developing their skills in the Fundamental Motor Skills of Run, Catch and Kick. It will be an eventful term for our Foundation students as we learn about the skill of kick through the sport of Soccer.


Year 1 and 2: In Term 2, The Year 1 and 2 students will be developing their skills in the Fundamental Motor Skills of Run, Leap and Dodge, Punt and Ball Bounce. It will be an exciting experience for all students while they participate in different sports and games. They are extremely excited to learn the sport of AFL while learning about the Punt.


Year 3 to 6: In Term 2, the 3 to 6 students will be learning all about Athletics in preparation for our Athletics Carnival. They will be practising and demonstrating their skills in the different events. Students will be participating in Running Events, Shot Put, Discuss, Long Jump and Triple Jump.