Year 5 & 6

Ms Hall, Ms Riolo, Ms Armstrong and Ms Hicks 

Year 5/6 April Newsletter

Welcome back to our 5/6 families. We hope you had an exciting and well rested break and we can't wait to see you all! 


This term we will be completing an author study on the author Jackie French. Throughout the author study we will be analysing the sentence structure Jackie French uses in order to make her texts engaging. We will also be exploring the different themes and messages she uses in her texts. For the first part of the term in writing, students will be developing their writing skills with a focus on biographies. They will choose a famous Australian and find and organise facts to draft a biography. We will then transition to explanatory texts and focus on explaining cause and effect, that is, how and why certain events occurred or how and why devices were invented. 


Throughout this term in Numeracy we will be introducing a new style of teaching during our number and algebra sessions. This style of teaching is called Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI). EDI is used when students are learning new content, it focuses more on the teacher explicitly modelling the skill to students rather than students showing what they know during independent practice. In these EDI lessons we will be learning how to use different strategies when solving multiplication and division problems. 

Unit: History 

This term the 5/6 students will be learning about significant events that happened throughout Australian History. Students will explore a range of perspectives that people experienced on their journey to Australia during the First Fleet, the Gold Rush, and significant world events.