Year 4

Ms Roberts, Ms Yammouni, Ms Bowman and Ms Murphy

Year 4 April Newsletter 

Hello Year 4 Families and welcome to Term 2! We hope you all enjoyed your school holidays and had a restful break. We are so excited to have students back in the classroom and for new learning to begin! We had such an exciting Term 1 and enjoyed ending our term with Pyjama Day and the Battery Rescue Program!


Students enjoyed reading their mentor text Rowan of Rin last term and are looking forward to beginning a new text this term from the Harry Potter series. We will be focusing on thinking deeper about what we are reading and making connections from the text to our personal lives and other texts we have read. Students will continue to focus on morphology and how we can use prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning of words. 



Last term we worked extremely hard on writing narratives and students focused on including detailed sentences in their writing and descriptive language. We had some wonderful stories drafted amongst the Year 4 cohort. This term we are focusing on sentence writing skills and examining adverbial and prepositional phrases and how we can use these to write more complex sentences. Students are also investigating the use of quotation marks to differentiate between quoted and reported speech. 



We finished Term 1 with a focus on addition and subtraction, students will begin Term 2 with a subtraction review and begin to study multiplication and investigate number sequences and multiplication facts. Students will explore angles and create and compare them to a right angle.


To end Term 1 students participated in an ANZAC Unit and during this unit students furthered their understanding of ANZAC Day and why it is important we recognise this day. Students engaged with a range of texts and digital resources and conducted respectful conversations and discussions with their peers and teachers. Students are excited to begin their Geography unit this term where we will be learning about countries, continents and oceans around the world. Students will begin by creating their own learning passport and sharing their own experiences in travelling overseas.


Battery Rescue Performance
Battery Rescue Performance


4A wearing their PJs for Pyjama Day
4A wearing their PJs for Pyjama Day