Year 2

Ms Gililand, Mr Rowley, Ms Michetti and Ms Kay

Year 2 April Newsletter 


Hello wonderful Year 2 families, 


We are so glad to be back at Our Gilgai after a well needed Term 1 break. We hope that you had a safe and enjoyable holiday and have been able to reenergise for the coming term! 


In Literacy, we are beginning the transition from separated Reading and Writing lessons to a two-hour literacy block. This will look like many mini-lessons within the two-hours, including phonemic awareness (rhyming, syllables, phonemes), Little Learners Love Literacy, oral language, handwriting, writing and comprehension strategies. 


We are super excited to be starting a new stage in our Little Learners Love Literacy program. After a few days of revising stage 6 sounds, including sh, ch, tch, th, ng, ph, wh, we will be beginning Stage 7.1. The new phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters which represent the sounds) which we will be exploring in the first few weeks include ai, ay, ee, ea and --y. 

We will be instructing the students how to correctly form their letters and numbers by using the below clock face to guide their hand movements. 



In Writing, we will be focusing on simple sentences. Students will be supported to identify the verb and subject in a simple sentence and to write their own simple sentences. 


For our first week back at school, students will be revising their knowledge of place value. We will be modelling (making) numbers up to 1000 and ordering them. In the coming few weeks, we will begin our learning on addition and subtraction. This will involve teaching students different strategies for solving addition and subtraction sums, but also exploring the connection between the two operations. 


This term we will be learning about History! In Week 1, we will begin by learning the importance of commemorating past events which hold a significant importance to us. In preparation for this unit of learning, the Year 2 students have collaboratively created an ANZAC wreath for our first assembly of the term. They will also be learning about the ANZACs and why Australia has a national day of commemoration. This is our wreath below!



Moving forward throughout the term, students will begin to learn about the local historical landmarks in our communities and how technology has changed over time. 

Brain Teaser - Desert Islander 

I’m going to a desert island and I’m bringing the following items. Figure out the rule for my items and you can also join me. 

  • Lollies 
  • Apples 
  • Books