
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation


Welcome to Term 2! We hope you have all had an amazing break. We are so excited to have students back in the classroom and have many fabulous events to look forward to this term. The Foundation cohort was ecstatic to meet their Year 4-6 buddies at the end of Term 1. We completed some fun activities, danced and got to know our new buddies who will be positive role models and support for them throughout the year. 


Foundation students have continued to build their letter and sound knowledge with our Little Learners Love Literacy program. So far we have learnt all of the Stage 1 Sounds (m, s, f, a, p, t, c and i) and will continue to learn Stage 2 letters and sounds as we commence Term 2. Students are participating in daily literacy activities where they practise reading, writing and identifying words that begin with these sounds. 


In Writing we will continue to explore what a letter, word, picture and sentence looks like. During daily writing practice students are encouraged to include learnt sounds to begin to form sentences. To begin Term 2 we will write a holiday recount and attempt to record sounds that we know. 


Foundation students learning the Stage 1 (I, The, the, My and my) and some of the Stage 2 (He, he, She, she, We, we, Was and was) Heart words. These can be found in the Student Diaries if you wish to practise these at home. 


Students have continued to learn about the numbers 1-20. Students have engaged in lots of hands-on tasks where they have been working on ordering, matching numbers to a collection and understanding the place value of teen numbers. Students have been using bundling sticks, tens frames and various concrete materials to understand the value of teen numbers. 


Social and Emotional Learning 

Students have been learning about the importance of ANZAC Day. We have been understanding the  importance of Red Poppies and Wreaths. Students have been exposed to various ANZAC Day stories and other texts whilst having the opportunity to create their own ANZAC Day wreath.