From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Welcome back to Term 2 at Gilgai Plains Primary!

I hope everyone had a wonderful break and had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. I’m sure lots of delicious food was a big part of the celebrations for those who celebrated Easter or Eid (for those wanting to learn more, information about Ramadan and Eid can be found in our Assistant Principal section of this newsletter). It’s wonderful how cooking and sharing food from our cultural backgrounds can bring us together with loved ones during these special times. As a staff, we often get to enjoy amazing food that is kindly shared with us or that we get to cook and share with our colleagues. It always brings a smile to our faces when we know we have something waiting for us in the staffroom and I’m pretty sure that this is universal across many workplaces.


I recently spent 2 weeks in Japan and was lucky enough to be there during the cherry blossom season. Words cannot describe how beautiful this part of the world is. I was talking to some of our student leaders this week about how clean the streets of Japan are and how much respect and appreciation is shown towards their environment. We had a great conversation about responsibility and how we work together to continue to develop this at Gilgai Plains Primary. I walked away from this conversation feeling so proud of our students and look forward to working with them more.


On Wednesday we commemorated ANZAC Day with our special assembly run by our student leaders. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend, we understand that it was a difficult time for many people to get time off work so we hope our children were able to talk about this experience with you. 


We were immensely proud of all of our students who displayed such respect throughout the service. At our assembly, we gave thanks to everyone who has served and died in wars, conflicts and also in peacekeeping operations. We remembered the contribution and the suffering of all those who have served in war. 

Our students presented wreaths that they made to pay their respect and acknowledge and never forget this important part of our history. 


We are looking forward to another fantastic term. Please enjoy reading about what your child is learning, in our year level updates in this newsletter. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 


Kind regards,

Anthea Jamieson