REC News

Shannon Cain


Recently our Year 6 students participated in the Diocesan Religious Education Test. Congratulations to our Year 6 students who overall achieved the following results:

 2 High Distinction, 6 Distinction, 40 Credit and 19 Participation certificates.

Congratulation to Josie and Lola who both received a High Distinction.



Today Kindergarten participated in a spiritual retreat session  where they joined as a grade to pray, reflect and talk about their relationship with God and Jesus. 


The theme for the Retreat was “Apple of My Eye.” The students learnt that this means they are precious and treasured by their own family as well as God. This supports the work the Kindergarten students are doing in class during their Religion lessons where they are learning about God's Great Family.


“Keep me as the apple of your eye.” Psalm 17:8


Family and friends are welcome to join us at the weekly Parish Mass at St Joseph's  Church at 9:30am.


Year 6 -Thursday 29th June

RISE Youth Festival – 6-7 July 2023

Each year the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst provide an opportunity for students in Year 6 to attend the RISE Youth Festival. The Diocesan Youth Ministers facilitate a festival full of fun, friendship, small group challenges, workshops, games, music and lots of opportunities to encounter Jesus.


Please find more information here.



There will not be a parent information evening. You and your child will meet with one of our Priests during the weeks of 10th-22nd of July.


Reconciliation and rehearsal:

When:  On the Thursday before your child’s Confirmation i.e. 24th & 31st August, and 7th September at 4:30pm

Where: St Mary’s Church



When:  During the Saturday and Sunday Masses, on the weekends 26th & 27th August (Parish Priest), 2nd & 3rd September (Parish Priest) and 9th & 10th September (Bishop).

Where: Either St Mary’s or St Joseph’s Church. If you would prefer to have your child’s Confirmation at Cargo, Cudal, or Mullion Creek that is easily arranged.


Please note you will need a copy of your child’s Baptism certificate and also your child’s sponsor’s Baptism certificate for Confirmation. I suggest you start getting these organised now and save the crazy rush just before all the paperwork is due.


For more information please contact Liss Ryan at the parish office on (02) 6362 2378 or at




Over three weekends students in our Parish celebrated their First Holy Communion. Congratulations!

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday

Every year, on the first Sunday in July, Catholics come together across Australia to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts of Australia’s First Peoples in the Catholic Church. As we approach the Indigenous Voice to Parliament , it has never been more important for Catholics to come together and listen to Australia's First Peoples.


In Australia we are blessed to be home to the world's oldest continuing Culture and the resources that we have created and collated will assist you to celebrate this very important day on our Liturgical Calendar. You can find them here.



Please join us at Mass this Sunday at 10am at St Mary's Church.