Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus Of The Week: 

We Follow the School Rules:  We are Responsible, We are Safe

 Over the past three weeks we have been looking at our school rules: 'We Are  Respectful,  We Are Responsible, We Are Safe’. Last week our focus was on responsible behaviour. Being Responsible helps us to look after our environment, ourselves and other people.  Being Responsible is also understanding the effect our words and our actions have on other people, and thinking about this when making choices.  


This week we have been focusing on Being Safe at School.  This means keeping safe at the beginning and end of our school day, on the playground, in the classroom, around the

 school and when we leave the school for excursions.  It is important we follow the school rule of Being Safe in all these areas. 


Sheahan Showcase

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 6 students who

 performed at the Sheahan Showcase recently.  They have been working very hard to learn new music and prepare to perform as part of the combined choir with Sheahan and St Mary's students.  A huge 'thank you' to Mrs Anne Allan, who has spent a lot of time working with the girls in preparation for this very special event.  From all accounts, it was a wonderful success!  Well done to all involved!


Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all who came along for our recent Parent/Student/Teacher conferences.  This was a lovely opportunity for families to hear about all the wonderful things their children have been doing in the classroom and around the school this year.  Being in Kenna Hall allowed for a very efficient system.  Thanks to Ms Flynn's new ideas, this proved to also be a very successful and rewarding experience for many.


Peer Support

Each Thursday afternoon this term, the Year 6 students have run the Peer Support program throughout the school.  This involved meeting in small groups to help students develop personal resilience when dealing with issues such as bullying and working on strategies for team building.  Our final Peer Support meeting will take place this Thursday afternoon.  We thank all of our wonderful Year 6 students for working with all students from Kinder to Year 5, and offering  them great strategies to deal with some of the every day issues they may encounter.  Thank you also to our amazing Year 6 teachers who have guided and supported our students as they have developed their skills to work with younger groups of students. Thank you also to all our younger students who have participated so well in these sessions.  Well done to all!


Lost Property!!

As the term comes to an end, we would love to clear the Lost Property of all the nameless items which have found  their way there.  If your children have lost any items over the term, you are very welcome to come and see if any of the items we have belong to your family.  We endeavour to return all items with names on them, but there are still so many items unclaimed.  Those items left unclaimed when the holidays begin will go to either the clothing pool or St Vincent de Paul.  All year our wonderful Librarian Mrs Garnon, continually sorts through the lost property, identifying and returning items that are labelled with names.  A huge thank you to Cath for this service.


Have a safe and happy holiday!


Robyn Petty