Principal's Page

Jo Flynn

Dear Parents and Carers,

Can you believe it is the last week of Term 2? The year is flying by. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe holiday and to thank you for making me feel so at home at Catherine McAuley. 


Let us Pray:

O God, our heavenly Father, 

whose glory fills the whole creation, 

and whose presence we find wherever we go: 

preserve those on vacation; 

surround them with your loving care; 

protect them from every danger; 

and bring them in safety to their holiday's end; 

through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Update Contact Information

If you have changed address, phone numbers or any other contact details including emergency contacts, please send the updated information to the school office. 


Thank you

Thank you to all parents and students who attend interviews with classroom teachers. This is a very import part of your child's schooling and is an excellent way of receiving and giving feedback. We appreciate you making the time to attend these interviews.

Thank you also to all the teachers for their hard work and the extra hours work involved in preparing reports and participating in the parent, student, teacher interviews.


Kindergarten 2024

We have had good enrolment activity for 2024 Kindergarten. If you know of anyone who has yet to enrol and would like their children to attend Catherine McAuley, could you give them a gentle reminder so that they do not miss out on a place with the McAuley Family.



Any student absence from school needs to be explained. This is a legal requirement. Unfortunately, we still have several hundred unexplained absences on record. If you know your child has been absent from school, please place an explanatory note on COMPASS. This should be done within seven days of the absence occuring. 


Family Holiday Activities

The Parliament of NSW has put together a week of free online educational events these school holidays.

FREE Family Fun activities will run from 3 July - 7 July 2023 and are perfect for children up to 12 years old, with storytelling, sessions on Aboriginal culture and virtual guided tours through the chambers.


When: Monday 3 July – Friday 7 July 2023

Time: Various sessions

Where: Online via Zoom

Book now to reserve your place.


Kind regards

Parliamentary Education




Have a wonderful holiday.


Warm regards,

Jo Flynn