School News and Information 

What’s Happening Term 2

Week 3

Thursday 11 May - Mother’s Day Stall

Thursday 11 May - Lunch Order Day  

Friday 12 May  - Armidale PSSA Cross Country

Week 4

Friday 19 May - Mother’s Day Assembly 12:30pm

Week 5

Wednesday 24 May for Choir - Eisteddfod for Choir. 

Week 6

Friday 2 June  - Assembly 12:30pm

Week 7

Week 8

Monday 12th   - King's birthday holiday

Tuesday 13 June - Armidale PSSA Rugby Union trials

Friday 16 June     - Softball trials

Assembly 12:30pm

Week 9

Friday 23 June    - MGPS Athletics carnival

Week 10

Friday 30 June    - NAIDOC Assembly 12:30pm and last day of Term 2



On the last day of Term 1, Stage 3 visited the Thalgarrah Environmental Centre to participate in the Bear Grylls style program Kids vs Wild. The children had to get out of their comfort zone by completing a range of outdoor tasks.

We started off by creating groups and painting our faces with symbols that linked to the team names: flint, axe, rope, snare, boomerang and spear. 

The children learnt how to read a map using a compass before we headed out into the bush to find the equipment we would need for the day. They had to collect the equipment that was marked with their symbol which included a  backpack. Mr McKenzie told us that our last number on the map should take us to a tree that looks different from the gumtrees.  Everyone made it to the special tree (with some help from Mr McKenzie).


Next, the children were given a food challenge - to eat a whole apple (core and all). As you can see from the photos underneath, many of Stage 3 found this challenging, however most of them managed to conquer their fear of eating apple cores!!


After that, the children had to use the sticks around them and the plastic sheet in their bags to shelter themselves from rain that was approaching (water in a bucket). Stage 3 meticulously collected sticks and created their shelters hoping that they would protect them from the rain. Some were more waterproof than others and everyone agreed that we were glad it wasn’t a real storm!

Finally, after a long tiring morning, the students got to cook themselves a feast of sausages and onion….. but only once they had collected the kindling and used a flint and cotton wool to light their fires. Everybody was successful and nobody went hungry! We all hopped on the bus with full stomachs and tired muscles from our adventures. The children had an enjoyable day and were all great ambassadors for Martin’s Gully.



All unmarked items in the basket will be cleaned and donated to the clothing pool on Friday 12th May.  If students still have missing items please check the basket before Friday.








This year our staff are celebrating the successes of our teachers each week.  In our staff room we have a "SHINE box" where teachers and other staff acknowledge each other and the contributions we are making at our amazing school.  Below are the names that were drawn out from the box last week. 


Year 6 Looking Great

Our Year 6 students were excited to receive their Year 6 shirts this week.


Our Week 2 You Can Do It Champions!

Kindergarten Koalas

Sebastian received his You Can Do It for being a wonderful leading learner who is always on-task and ready to learn.

Stage 1 Magpies

Olive received her You Can Do It award for being a kind and helpful friend.

Stage 1 Possums

Eevee received her You Can Do It award for always being caring, honest and respectful to others.

3/4 Bilbies

Zara received her You Can Do It award for being a happy, kind, and gentle friend to all and for working cooperatively with her classmates. 

3/4 Wombats

Hunter received his You Can Do It award for forming kind, respectful relationships with his Wombat classmates.

5/6 Emus

Henley received his You Can Do It award for being a great friend and having the courage to share his ideas with the class.

5/6 Dingoes 

Jack received his You Can Do It award for always having the courage to speak his mind in an articulate and respectful manner. 


Congratulations Merit Award Winners!


