P&C News

Colour Explosion 2023

On the 5th of April, the P&C hosted the Burrendah Primary School Colour Explosion! Not only was the day huge amounts of fun, but it was also an extremely successful fundraising event with a total profit of $8662! What an absolutely incredible achievement for our school community. The weather was perfect, the obstacle course was spectacular and at times I wasn’t sure who had more fun, the children or the adults! 


There are so many people that I would like to thank. Firstly, thank you to all the students and parents who fundraised such an incredible amount for our school. Secondly, to our wonderful volunteers – from the parents who were there at 8 am to help set up the obstacle course, to the volunteers who helped during the event and the parents who helped clean up and pack away – without you we could never have had such a great day! Thank you to the teachers who helped and especially to those teachers who participated with their students (sorry about your hair Miss Morley!). A big thank you to Ms Bain for supplying most of the equipment and supporting the event. Lastly to our sponsors, Dr Jags, Don Asplin and Willetton Bunnings, thank you so much for your donations! 


The P&C works hard to organise amazing events for our children and we are always looking for volunteers. If you haven’t already, please contact the P&C and ask about how you can help support us and as a result, your child!


The Colour Explosion is a biannual event and it will be back, bigger and better, in 2025! 


Bree Sherston

P&C Colour Explosion Coordinator