Positive Behaviour 

Support (PBS) 

Responsibility, Resilience, Respect, Reach

PBS Expectations for Week 3 is Respect

We show Respect by being kind and caring. We demonstrate this behaviour INSIDE when we use our manners.

This means:

•          We say please, thank you, and excuse me

•          We listen when people are talking and wait our turn to speak. For example,                         raising your hand to answer a question

•          We take turns when using toys and equipment

•          We greet others in a positive way

PBS Expectations for Week 4 is Resilience

 We show Resilience by bouncing back and trying again. We demonstrate this behaviour EVERYWHERE/EVERY TIME when we persevere.

This means:

•          We continue trying to solve the problem without giving up

•          We finish off a task even if it means going to recess or lunch late

•          We don’t give up trying when we are learning something new