Year 1 News

Alaina Downing, Kate Guilfoyle, Stephanie Webster

Room 16a

The children in Year 1 had a fabulous time fundraising for the school in the Colour Explosion, at the end of term 1. The before and after photos show some are very white and dirty children!


In Technologies with Mrs Taylor, the students worked in groups to plan, construct, and evaluate bridges and houses for their characters to use. The students currently are working on making chairs for a bear to sit in. 


In the classroom, the students have been working on time and looking at duration of how long it takes us to do things in our day. 

Room 16b

It has been a busy 54 days of learning for us in 16B! 


We have enjoyed getting to know each other as well as our Big Buddies in Room 10. They have helped us with our iPad skills, whilst we have taught them how to be patient and kind to us whilst we are learning. 


We take part in lots of immersive writing tasks, hands on maths activities, and engineering jobs that are independent, as well as having to work collaboratively in small groups.


Pre-Primary students have been busy learning their sounds and completing craft activities to get better at cutting out. 


Year One students have been busy learning how to write trickier words and use them in sentences when writing. 


Miss Guilfoyle, Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Sales are so proud of all of us! 


Think of how much more we will know in another 54 days! 

Room 17

What a great start back from our school holidays! We have enjoyed learning all about what our classmates did during the school holidays. Take a look at our memory mail! During our first week back at school, we learnt all about ANZAC Day. We even got to taste ANZAC biscuits. 

In Maths, it has been fun learning to skip count in 2s, 5s and 10s by playing fun games. Who knew you could just add the same number over and over again to get to the next number! 

In Health we have been finding all our personal strengths and recognising the strengths of our friends. This has helped us to learn to encourage others. We have loved reading Have You Filled A Bucket Today? By Carol McCloud. Who knows… maybe our upcoming assembly will be about this!

The Colour Explosion was a blast! We had such a fun afternoon running around the oval, getting splashed with water and colour. A picture tells a thousand words…