Learning & Teaching

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences

Thank you to all of the families who attended our online Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences last week and this week. It was wonderful to have many students discussing their learning progress with their teachers and parents. 


It is now important that parents remain engaged in their daughter’s learning. To assist in this process, please ensure that you log into the SEQTA Engage Parent Portal on a regular basis to review results, feedback and student reflection. Ask your daughter questions about her learning, for example; what she did well, what she wants to achieve and what strategies she needs to put in place to improve next time. These discussions do have a positive impact on student learning progress.


Learning in Years 9/10 and Program Review

This year Marian College launched our exciting new Year 9/10 Program. In these years, our students have the opportunity to enrol in semester units, both core and elective, from a diverse range of options. These electives are pitched at different levels of literacy, numeracy and conceptual thinking challenge, aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. There are opportunities for students to follow advanced or accelerated pathways whilst others may consolidate key skills.


Many classes cater for Year 9 and 10 students together. Accelerated options support pathways to the early completion of VCE Units. Some electives are based on an applied learning model and prepare students for the VCE (Vocational Major). Providing the students with greater choice and flexibility should ensure students have more agency in designing their own learning program and pathway. 


In addition to units, from across the range of academic learning areas, all students in Years 9 and 10 participate in our expanded, holistic heart, mind, body, spirit wellbeing program. In turn, this program should enable our students to maximise their learning progress and develop as independent, self-aware and resilient young people.


Throughout the year, we will be reviewing this program as we plan for 2024 and beyond.  Part of this process involves the running of student focus groups, to gather student voice. Our Director School Improvement and Innovation, Mr Vito Milana, has designed and led the implementation of this valuable process. 


During Term 1, many Year 9/10 students participated in focus groups that Mr Milana and I facilitated. In these sessions, students were asked a number of questions about the Year 9/10 Program, with an opportunity to provide information about what is working well, perceived gaps or challenges and suggestions for the program in the future. The students articulately provided thoughtful feedback and we are pleased that they are positive about the new program.


Further feedback will be gathered through more focus groups and surveys of both students and families, throughout the year. This information will be used to inform the work of the Marian College Learning Program Change Team as we plan to ensure that our students have the best possible learning program that will engage and challenge them, support their wellbeing, and prepare them for their future. 


Jane Goddard

Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching