Principal's Report

David Caughey

Dear parents, students and families.

I hope all is well with you and your families.


As Term 1 draws to a close I would like to thank you for your support of the College and your contributions towards making this a successful start to 2023.


Year level assemblies

During Term 1 of this year our Year Level Leaders and coordinators have worked to modify our year level assemblies to ensure greater consistency of celebration of student achievement. These assemblies are also used as an opportunity for students to share other skills and talents with their peers. Our student leaders and class captions are also supported to use the assemblies as a way of building their leadership skills and capabilities. The assembly schedule will aim to provide up to 3-year level assemblies per term.


School tours

The College has been running a series of school tours for prospective families during Term 1. These tours will continue through Term 2 as families of Grade 6 students are making plans for secondary school in 2024. Families can book a tour via the College website. I would encourage all existing families to share this information with any prospective families. It is always a pleasure to share our wonderful school with the broader community.


2023 NAPLAN completion

Thanks to all parents, students and staff for their work in organising and supporting the implementation of the NAPLAN this year. Our student participation rate continued to be very high, and it was very pleasing to see students meeting our expectations of behaviour and commitment to the assessments.


High Expectations matched with High Support

The above phrase is one that we have been working with over the last 12-14 months. It is a statement that guides our thinking and actions at the College regarding student learning and social behaviour. The expectations that we have for our students regarding academic achievement, as well as behaviours, is very high. Matching these expectations with appropriate supports is integral to our approach.


A good example of our ‘High Expectations matched with High Supports’ is how the College manages uniform, punctuality and resourcing for classes.

I would like to extend an invitation for any families experiencing some difficulties with ensuring your young person has the necessary items for school to make contact with us – I am very confident we will be able to work together to make sure your young person has all of the correct uniform and learning resources for success.


School council elections

The recent school council Annual General Meeting was held in February, and I would like to welcome the following new and returning members to the School Council.


Eman Haidari – Student representative position

George Massouris and Mila Milenkovich – elected Department of Education representatives

Melissa Chasemore – newly elected Parent representative

Andrea Kilburn – Returning parent representative.


Congratulations to the members elected to the following roles on the council:

Paula Sharp -re-elected as School Council President

Kirstie Ogden – re-elected as School Council Vice President

George Massouris - Treasurer



Many thanks and I look forward to working with you all this year.

David Caughey

College Principal