
From the Deputy Principal

What does Easter mean to you? Is it a time of celebration, reflection, holidays, busyness, family togetherness, rest?


Easter has become so many things to so many people, and in a country that has decided it is not Christian – we still hold to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.


I encourage you to reflect as a family on what this time really means for you personally and as a family. As Christians, we hold this time as incredibly sacred, and when we stop to contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus, in giving his own life for ours, I am almost breathless. When I consider that the God of the universe came to Earth and took human form, lived a human life, and then allowed himself to be mocked, beaten and crucified for me; I can scarcely contain the enormity of emotions this invokes.

And yet, many of my friends and neighbours have no idea of the enormity of what really happened at Easter. Instead, this is a time of chocolate (I’m there too!), of family togetherness and rest. These are good things and I am so very glad of the time to rest and for chocolate. But I cannot ignore the reason for Easter and this causes me to stop, slow down and consider that the creator of the whole universe – knows me! He loves me! He has a plan and a purpose for me! And this same God knows, loves and has a plan for you and for each member of our school community.

This is truly good news.


As we finish this first term of 2023, I wonder what is in store for the next three terms. I know that we have lots and lots of school events planned; from parent-teacher interviews, to BBQs, concerts, recitals, production and so much more. And yet, I wonder what God has in store for each of us to learn, grow in and develop. I love the fact that we are a Christian school, with Christian staff whose very core of purpose, is to grow our students to be everything that God has for them to be. He has placed gifts within each one, and encourages us to develop talents alongside those gifts. I am thankful that our school vision is to engage, equip and empower our students. What an exciting privilege for us as a community to see them grow and become the next generation.

I pray that the reason for Easter is rooted deeply within every heart of the PVCC community; that the truth of Jesus’ sacrifice is known and that the incredible love that he has for us, becomes the core of why we learn, grow and develop together.


May every PVCC family be blessed over the next couple of weeks. May you enjoy each other’s company and take some time to reflect on what it means to be family, to be part of the PVCC community and what it means to be part of God’s family too.

Happy Easter!


Lily McDonald

Deputy Principal