Secondary Tours
Spring is not far away...
Secondary Tours
Spring is not far away...
We are pleased to advise the following online Information and Q&A sessions taking place at our Secondary School during the period of Stage 3 COVID restrictions:
Middle Years Programme (MYP) Information Session: Thursday 30 July at 6pm via Zoom
Meeting ID: 975 5137 3201
Meeting Password: Pr35h1lMYP
All members of the Preshil community are very welcome to join us to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of the MYP. Natalie Kunst, our MYP Coordinator, will be giving a presentation and we will have time for questions throughout this webinar.
Diploma Programme (DP) Information Session: Thursday 30 July at 7pm via Zoom
Meeting ID: 921 8925 1118
Meeting Password: PreshilDP1
This session is for students and families who are nearing entry into the Diploma Programme. If you have a child who will start Year 11 in 2021, it is recommended that you attend this session so you can have a ‘guided tour’ of the course and how it works in our progressive setting. Anyone else who is interested, including families of students beginning the DP in 2022 and beyond, is also very welcome to attend. We will invite questions following a presentation by our DP Coordinator, Kavita Mathai.
Q & A Sessions
(replacing onsite Open Morning)
(delivered via Zoom – meeting IDs and Passwords will be distributed to registered participants)
Wednesday 5 August 2020
Entry into Year 7, 2020 - 2022
9.30am - 10.30am
Entry into Years 8 & 9, 2020 - 2022
11.30am - 12.30pm
Entry into Years 10 & 11, 2020 - 2022
2.30pm - 3.30pm
Please register your interest to attend these sessions with our Registrar, Nerel Ezra, at who will then send you the required links and invite you to submit any questions so we can ensure all queries are addressed.
We encourage prospective families to familiarise themselves with our wonderful school by taking a virtual tour and following our social media profiles on Facebook and Instagram.
School Tour
(circumstances permitting)
Friday 11 September 2020
9.30am - 11am
12-26 Sackville Street, Kew
Scholarship applications for Years 7 and 11 in 2021 remain open.
To speak with our Registrar about enrolment, please call Nerel Ezra on 9817 6135.