The Glad Page

We are all so grateful for:

From Spencer Au (Year 9)


The Covid9 lockdown has made me realise that I don’t need so many things and so much ‘stuff’ to be happy. I am grateful for my amazing and supportive family, friends and school. For more family time, the beauty of our great land, our people and animals. I am aware that I need to be grateful for all the small things in life and also enjoy every step of life’s journey.



From Emma Zheng (Ava Liu from Pre Prep's mum)


Ava Liu
Ava Liu

We have appreciated all the educators who are very supportive during the challenging periods. I have attached a short video which was recorded by my daughter Ava Liu (pre-prep 4) herself when I was doing my housework. I find it is joyful to share it with you. 

We look forward to being back at school soon!






From Cindy Parker (Year 7 student Rohan's mum):


I have been taking photos of things I see when out walking our dog Coco. We are also grateful for Coco who joined our family in March and brings us much joy and happiness.



Memorable Moments from 2020