FACE COVID is a set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, Here’s a quick summary of the key steps
F = Focus on what’s in your control
A = Acknowledge your thoughts & feelings
C = Come back into your body
E = Engage in what you’re doing
C = Committed action
O = Opening up
V = Values
I = Identify resources
D = Disinfect & distance
F = Focus on what’s in your control
We have far more control over our behaviour, than we do over our thoughts and feelings. So our number one aim is to take control of our behaviour. We can get lost worrying about things that are out of our control: what might happen in the future. And while it’s completely natural for us to get lost in such worries, it’s not useful or helpful. The single most useful thing anyone can do in any type of crisis – is to: focus on what’s in your control. This involves both dealing with our inner world – all our difficult thoughts and feelings - and our outer world – all the real problems we are facing.
How do we do this? - By dropping anchor, to hold the boat steady until the storm passes, using the simple A.C.E. formula:
A = Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings
C = Come back into your body
E = Engage in what you’re doing
A = Acknowledge your thoughts & feelings
Silently and kindly acknowledge whatever is ‘showing up’ inside you: thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, sensations. Take the stance of a curious scientist, observing what’s going on in your inner world. As you do this, put this into words, and silently say to yourself something like, ‘I’m noticing anxiety’, or ‘There’s my mind worrying’ or ‘I’m having a feeling of sadness’ or ‘I’m having thoughts about getting sick’.
While continuing to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, also....
C = Come back into your body
Come back into and connect with your physical body in your own way.
You could try some or all of the following:
• Slowly pushing your feet hard into the floor.
• Slowly straightening up your back and spine; sitting upright and forward in your chair.
• Slowly pressing your fingertips together
• Slowly stretching your arms or neck, shrugging your shoulders.
• Slowly breathing
Note: The aim is to remain aware of your thoughts and feelings, and at the same time, connect with your body, and actively move it. Why? So you can gain as much control as possible over your physical actions, even though you can’t control your feelings.
As you acknowledge your thoughts & feelings, and come back into your body, also...
E = Engage in what you’re doing
Get a sense of where you are and refocus your attention on the activity you are doing.
Find your own way of doing this. Some suggestions are:
• Look around the room and notice 5 things you can see.
• Notice 3 or 4 things you can hear.
• Notice what you can smell or taste or sense in your nose and mouth.
• Notice what you are doing.
• End the exercise by giving your full attention to the task or activity at hand (if you don’t have any meaningful activity to do, see the next 3 steps.)
Ideally, run through the ACE cycle slowly 3 or 4 times, to turn it into a 2- 3 minute exercise. To help you get the hang of this, you can download some free audio recordings
NOTE: please don’t skip the A of ACE; it’s so important to keep acknowledging the thoughts and feelings present, especially if they are difficult or uncomfortable. If you skip the A, this exercise will turn into a distraction technique – which it’s not supposed to be.
The better you anchor yourself in the here and now, the more control you have over your actions – which makes it a lot easier to do the next steps: C.O.V.I.D.
C = Committed action
Committed action means effective action. Action you take because it’s truly important to you; action you take even if it brings up difficult thoughts and feelings. This includes protective measures against Corona – frequent hand washing, social distancing, and so on. But in addition consider: What are simple ways to look after yourself, and those you live with? What kind, caring, supportive deeds you can do?
- Talk to someone in distress –via a phone call or text message.
- Help someone with a task or a chore, or cook a meal.
- Comfort and soothe someone who is sick.
Think about the most effective ways of spending your time in isolation. Including physical exercise to stay fit, cooking healthy food, practicing mindfulness, and doing meaningful activities by yourself or with others. Throughout the day, ask yourself ‘What can I do right now - no matter how small it may be - that improves life for myself or others I live with, or people in my community?’ Whatever the answer is – do it, and engage in it fully.
O = Opening Up
Opening up means making room for difficult feelings and being kind to yourself.
Difficult feelings are guaranteed to keep on showing up as this crisis unfolds: fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, guilt, loneliness, frustration, confusion, and many more. We can’t stop them from arising, but we can open up and make room for them: acknowledge they are normal, allow them to be there, and treat ourselves kindly.
Remember, self-kindness is essential if you want to cope well with this crisis – especially if you are in a caregiver role. If you’ve ever flown on a plane, you’ve heard this message: ‘In event of an emergency, put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.’ Well, self-kindness is your own oxygen mask; if you need to look after others, you’ll do it a whole lot better if you’re also taking good care of yourself.
V = Values
Think about your core values: What do you want to stand for in the face of this crisis? What sort of person do you want to be, as you go through this? How do you want to treat yourself and others? Your values might include love, respect, humour, patience, courage, honesty, caring, openness, kindness... or numerous others. Look for ways to ‘sprinkle’ these values into your day. Let them guide and motivate your committed action. Especially come back to your values of kindness and caring. Consider:
- What are kind, caring ways you can treat yourself as you go through this?
- What are kind words you can say to yourself, kind deeds you can do for yourself?
- What are kind ways you can treat others who are suffering?
- What are kind, caring ways of contributing to the wellbeing of your community?
- What can you say and do that will enable you to look back in years to come and feel proud of your response?
I = Identify Resources
Identify resources for help, assistance, support, and advice. This includes friends, family, neighbours, social networks, health professionals, emergency services and government sources. If you are able to offer support to others, let them know; you can be a resource for other people, just as they can for you. Use this information to develop your own resources: action plans to protect yourself and others, and to prepare in advance for quarantine or emergency.
D = Disinfect & distance physically
I’m sure you already know this, but it’s worth repeating: disinfect your hands regularly and practice as much social distancing as realistically possible, for the greater good of your community. And remember, we’re talking about physical distancing – not cutting off emotionally. This is an important aspect of committed action, so align it deeply with your values; recognise that these are truly caring actions.
Russ Harris 2020 TheHappinessTrap.com | ImLearningACT.com