Assistant Principal's Report

As we again enter remote learning, Warrnambool College continues to function as normally as possible. 


Student subject selection is a critical feature of Term 3. 

The online Subject Expo held this week was an opportunity for students and families to engage with staff to become better informed about subject offerings. 

The web-based Subject Prospectus has been updated to include videos and images that allow students to ‘see themselves’ in that subject next year. This is a great resource to learn more about the different subjects on offer. This year we have also included the year-level presentations that outline information about the structure and requirements for each year level.

Warrnambool College has moved the Appeals Process to an online Google Form. This allows students who want to change streams or have been ‘blocked’ from certain subjects the opportunity to appeal and present their case. The link can be found on Compass Newsfeed.

We encourage all students to enter their subject selections on Edval as soon as possible.


To lessen screen time during remote learning, all staff have the leverage of preparing shorter lessons (45 minutes) to allow students time away from their devices. Senior school teachers will most likely use the full 70-minutes to ensure all areas of their study designs are adequately covered in preparation for the exams in Term 4.


Report cycle #3 will be opened shortly. The school leadership team have amended the Attitude and Effort rubric to be more applicable for remote learning. Report cycle #3 will be assess using this rubric (found on Compass). All elements remain the same, but with an additional statement at each level, assessing how the student has engaged with remote learning. 

Teaching staff have been promoting the importance of engage and exit tickets as a mechanism of assessing student engagement in the online learning environment. Please can families take a moment to discuss the importance of students not only logging in but engaging with the lesson as this is the focus of assessment.


Jen Penn - Assistant Principal